Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Phew - time for bed already. I can't believe how quickly the days and weeks are going. It only seems like yesterday I was asking people if they had a nice Christmas and here we are just a few days away from the beginning of February! Which means I only have a few days to get my tax return done. Every year I swear I'm going to be organised, get it done well in time so I'm not under pressure at the last minute but here we are again - because it's one of my least favourite admin tasks I've just been putting it off.

I really admire those people who are so disciplined they get on and do all the jobs they hate doing so they can then relax. I've never managed to be that self disciplined but I live in hope. One year I might even manage to get my tax return in before Christmas!

07:30 Thursday morning:
As you can see I started writing this entry last night but I ran out of steam! I'm definitely more creative in the mornings hence the title. I'm in my favourite writing spot, under the duvet with my laptp propped up on my knees and my cuppa the side of me. This is when I'd love to have 'an independent income' (or a rich husband!) so I could stay here all morning writing, reading and generally 'musing'. But like most people I have to keep one eye on the clock because as those 7 vertically challenged little cartoon characters sang it's 'Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.........' in about an hour.
Actually I don't mind going to work as I do love people and being with people. I'm very fortunate really, I enjoy my own company and can happily spend a day without seeing or speaking to anyone but at the same time I'm very much a 'people person' - so I enjoy the best of both worlds.

And in the present economic climate I do try and be thankful every day I have a job to go to. Having spent 8 months not being able to work I know how demoralising it can get, how you can drift from one day to the next without really acheiving anything. Like most people though I can have a good moan about workloads, not being appreciated, not being paid enough and not getting promoted. But I never get away with it for long! - God always finds a way of reminding me as a Christian he expects me to act and react differently. I've said before how as I've grown older I really enjoy reading my bible. I particularly love the gospels - the four books which record the life of Jesus, especially his adult life. Most of us probably know some of his more well known teaching - love your neighbour, don't lie, feed the poor - those sorts of things. They form the basis of most peoples moral code and how they live their lives but the more I read, pray and try and listen each day to what God is telling me I realise there is so much more he wants me to do and be -and it's exciting and scary all at the same time!

Like a lot of people my natural personality doesn't always come out in positive ways. I can be over confident at times (confidence is not a bad thing as such but we all easily become quite obnoxious and boastful). I can be critical of others (constructive, helpful feedback can be good but it can also easily turn into viscious gossip). And I know I can be very assertive (again, getting the balance right is important - it's so easy to become arrogant!). So each morning I ask God to bring out all the good traits and remind me when the bad ones are starting to rear their heads! - and believe me He has to do the latter more than I'd like to admit! But I'm trusting as time goes on I will being making progress towards being the person God always intended I should be because I have no doubt in my mind that is the greatest, most fulfilling ambition I could have.
Anyway, time has flown (as I knew it would), I need to jump out of bed (well, sort of fall out slowly really) and start getting ready for work and to enjoy what this new day brings...............
May your day be filled with good things and you experience God's blessing
Jules x

Thursday, 20 January 2011

New Year, New Start

Well, having decided to get back to writing my blog it's taken me ages to work out how to log back in! But with a bit of perseverance and random button pressing I've managed it. I love all the technology available to us nowadays but must admit it sometimes takes me a long time to work out how to use it. But that's what I've always enjoyed - trying something new, getting out of the usual routine, having a go! I think it must be in the genes - my Mum & Dad, both long standing members of the University of the Third Age have just 'gone live' on the Net. They were googling and emailing like pros in no time at all.

So I'm very proud that it only took me 2 attempts to post a Tweet this morning on my smart phone. That's why I thought I'd write this tonight - while I'm on a roll!

As I've already said in my profile update this is the year to get serious about my writing, performing, speaking and generally encouraging others in this exciting journey we call life. That's why I've decided to start writing this blog again. I'm not famous, rich, highly educated or exceptionally smart. I don't have the perfect figure (well I would if I was another 8 inches tall!), am a 'celebrity' or can speak 5 languages. I don't live in a big house,take several holidays a year and have a wardrobe full of designer clothes. Yep, I'm like the majority of people reading this - making the best of my life. And I love it. I love life, new experiences. meeting people and learning about them, their hopes and dreams, fears, aspirations, disappointments. And the best decision I ever made was when I became a Christian even though it's taken most of my life until now for me to really embrace what that means.

I've decided to leave the title of this blog as 'Musings' as, even though I work full time again now I still start my day with a cuppa, my bible and notes and my journal so the mornings are when I get most of my thoughts and ideas. I also love the handle 'Jules Barnabas' so have changed my Tweet name to that as well.

Last year I performed a 'one woman' show to a small select audience which I absolutely loved. It was an evening of music, some reflections on life and plenty of laughter. I had fantastic support from friends and family and everyone said they enjoyed themselves so I'm hoping to do something similar this year. Watch this space!

There are a few earlier posts on here I've uploaded from time to time which will start to give an idea of some of my experiences. I hope to share more of my experiences and life as time goes on - I'm a great believer that everyone has value and we all have something to offer one another. Feel free to comment on my 'Musings' I'd be very interested in your thoughts.
Bye for now and God bless
Jules x PS - the photo is a Country Park near me which is another favourite place of mine to walk, think and then stop for a coffee and do some writing (or just have a chat!).