This truly is a ‘musing from under the duvet’. It’s 6.30 in the morning, still dark outside (I know because the strip above my cafe curtain in my bedroom is inky blue!) and I’ve got my cuppa the side of me. But as I sit here writing I can see how the dawn is slowly pushing back the night and there’s the promise of light, the promise of a new day, another day to enjoy or in some cases endure depending on our circumstances. But whatever they are yesterday has gone, tomorrow is still to be written, this is the day the Lord has made and I am determined to rejoice in it.
For many this is an exciting, thrilling day full of expectant hope, for some a day when despite their optimism they know their partner too well to expect anything and for some of us it’s a reminder of similar days already past.
It’s Val
entines Day. Oh I know, it’s too commercial now, just a money spinner and who needs a special day to say ‘I love you’. But let’s be honest girls – most of us dream of a little romance, an uncharacteristic spontaneous act of affection. To be swept off our feet aka Richard Gere in ‘An officer and a gentleman’ – although in my case metaphorically as I’m likely to give any man who tries to carry me a slipped disc!
But there will be a lot of us this Valentines Day who won’t be getting flowers, chocolates, cards or any other tokens of someone’s affection. Yesterday a friend of mine asked me if I was OK and I said I hated this time of year because it reminded me I was single. But that’s not really true. I don’t hate it; I suppose I’m just a little envious of those who at least have the opportunity to shower affection and gifts on that special person, even if they don’t take it.
But then as the day went on and I was with friends I found myself thinking ‘so what?’ I’ve had some wonderful Valentines in the past and I’m hopeful I will again. Maybe not this year but there’s always the future. And it’s true, I have many wonderful family and friends who love me and remind of that 365 days a year so why stress over just one? And on top of that I know in my heart and soul that God loves me constantly and is always there for me.
Love is essential to the human soul and as I sit here, and see the light has crept up on me as I’ve been writing I’m smiling. I’m grateful that my life whether lived as a single person, a couple, in a family with my daughter, and at this precise moment in time, as a (slightly) older single woman has been filled with love. And I know in my heart as long as I have faith, as long as I continue to love that love will come back to me 10 fold.
So, whatever your circumstances, today, tomorrow, next week – spread a little love and the world will be a better place.
Happy Valentines xx
For many this is an exciting, thrilling day full of expectant hope, for some a day when despite their optimism they know their partner too well to expect anything and for some of us it’s a reminder of similar days already past.
It’s Val

But there will be a lot of us this Valentines Day who won’t be getting flowers, chocolates, cards or any other tokens of someone’s affection. Yesterday a friend of mine asked me if I was OK and I said I hated this time of year because it reminded me I was single. But that’s not really true. I don’t hate it; I suppose I’m just a little envious of those who at least have the opportunity to shower affection and gifts on that special person, even if they don’t take it.
But then as the day went on and I was with friends I found myself thinking ‘so what?’ I’ve had some wonderful Valentines in the past and I’m hopeful I will again. Maybe not this year but there’s always the future. And it’s true, I have many wonderful family and friends who love me and remind of that 365 days a year so why stress over just one? And on top of that I know in my heart and soul that God loves me constantly and is always there for me.
Love is essential to the human soul and as I sit here, and see the light has crept up on me as I’ve been writing I’m smiling. I’m grateful that my life whether lived as a single person, a couple, in a family with my daughter, and at this precise moment in time, as a (slightly) older single woman has been filled with love. And I know in my heart as long as I have faith, as long as I continue to love that love will come back to me 10 fold.
So, whatever your circumstances, today, tomorrow, next week – spread a little love and the world will be a better place.
Happy Valentines xx