Morning everyone - yes, I am still alive and kicking! (well, breathing at least)
I've got a perennial problem at the moment. As anyone who's read this blog in the past knows I tend to use a lot of my life experiences as material to write about and at the moment I'm so busy living that life - I'm just not getting any time to write about it! Believe it or not I started this blog post over a week ago, hit technical problems and this is the first chance I've had to get back to it.
So this may end up posted with typos, no pictures and generally not making a lot of sense (OK, I can hear most of you thinking 'no change there then...') but I am determined to get something on here this morning!
So firstly I'd like to apologise to anyone who's checked out my site in the last few weeks and thought 'Is she still around? Has she emigrated? Where is she??????'
Apart from lots going on I've also been suffering from the bane of modern living - temperemental technology. You know how it is -slow PC, printer not working, can't download the apps on your new phone. As much as I love the age of instead searches and having your groceries delivered to your door at the touch of a button I do think there are times when we all crave a much simpler existence. And I don't think there's a better example of that craving than this few weeks leading up to December 25.
I'm so pleased to say my daughter and son-in-law have, for the past few years, enthusiastically taken on the role of 'family Christmas hosts'. This year my daughter is very excited about the 'life size' reindeer she's bought with extendable legs.............I know, she has a very tolerant and understanding husband.
I (and my 2 husbands) have fulfilled this role many times in the past, as indeed my mum and dad did before that. But now, all I have to do is turn up with a couple of dozen of my home made mince pies, the traditional red cabbage to go with the roast turkey, cooked and just ready to re-heat and a few pressies for the family - especially my 2 grandsons. Gone are the days of planning lots of meals, decorating the house from top to bottom, filling the fridge, freezer and any other cupboard I can find with lots of goodies, extra provisions 'just in case' and all the other frenetic activity associated with Christmas. I have gladly passed that on to the next generation.
And I have to confess I'm quite relieved.
Don't get me wrong, come the week leading up to Christmas I'll be getting in the spirit, realising I've missed the second class post deadline for cards (again!), checking pressies bought (not a lot) and pressies to buy(er - most of them) and be up until the early hours of Christmas morning wrapping, decorating and be-ribboning my offerings before I head off to celebrate with my lovely family.
Because as lovely as all the decorations, food, drink, entertainment on the telly etc etc are, being together as a family is what we all really look forward to each year and what , after Christmas we'll remember the most. The laughter, the (slightly drunken) attempts to play Christmas songs and Carols on 'water flutes' (the funniest after lunch game), Nan and Grandad snoring on the sofa in the afternoon. The number of times my son-in-law cracks a mother-in-law joke (and yes, his 2 sons are following admirably in their father's footsteps!) But as he keeps re-assuring me he only takes the mickey out of those he likes the, where did I put that bright flourescent green shirt with the paisley pattern on, I'm sure he's going to love for Christmas...........
So just remember - come the big day whatever goody or titbit you've forgotten to get, whatever last minute pressie you couldn't find, whichever decorations you haven't got round to putting up, as lovely as all that is being together with others is what really makes Christmas. Whether famly or friends, quietly at home, in the midst of a rousing Carol service or at a party - sharing with others this wonderful time of year is what makes Christmas.
Christ may have been born in a stable, with nothing but a pile of straw to sleep on but the very first Christmas was celebrated by shepherds, angels and kings - and tha's the everlasting party I love celebrating at this time of year.
Well, I knew time was going to be against me this morning but I was determined to get this on so as I don't have any more time to tell you all about climbing the village church tower and playing the Shofar (Ram's horn) early one Sunday morning, or not getting the job I really thought was mine, or the fantastic day out with my daughter at the Christmas Craft fair Birmngham NEC, doing my first talk at Alpha (loved it!) and having my hair cut in a style which everyone tells me makes me look 10 years younger (yes - there are times when a few little white lies from your friends are acceptable..........) I thought I would leave you with a few pictures my brother took around this time last year.
How beautiful are these........From August to December. I just love the variety of seasons we have and the beauty of each one.
I've got a perennial problem at the moment. As anyone who's read this blog in the past knows I tend to use a lot of my life experiences as material to write about and at the moment I'm so busy living that life - I'm just not getting any time to write about it! Believe it or not I started this blog post over a week ago, hit technical problems and this is the first chance I've had to get back to it.
So this may end up posted with typos, no pictures and generally not making a lot of sense (OK, I can hear most of you thinking 'no change there then...') but I am determined to get something on here this morning!
So firstly I'd like to apologise to anyone who's checked out my site in the last few weeks and thought 'Is she still around? Has she emigrated? Where is she??????'
Apart from lots going on I've also been suffering from the bane of modern living - temperemental technology. You know how it is -slow PC, printer not working, can't download the apps on your new phone. As much as I love the age of instead searches and having your groceries delivered to your door at the touch of a button I do think there are times when we all crave a much simpler existence. And I don't think there's a better example of that craving than this few weeks leading up to December 25.
I'm so pleased to say my daughter and son-in-law have, for the past few years, enthusiastically taken on the role of 'family Christmas hosts'. This year my daughter is very excited about the 'life size' reindeer she's bought with extendable legs.............I know, she has a very tolerant and understanding husband.
I (and my 2 husbands) have fulfilled this role many times in the past, as indeed my mum and dad did before that. But now, all I have to do is turn up with a couple of dozen of my home made mince pies, the traditional red cabbage to go with the roast turkey, cooked and just ready to re-heat and a few pressies for the family - especially my 2 grandsons. Gone are the days of planning lots of meals, decorating the house from top to bottom, filling the fridge, freezer and any other cupboard I can find with lots of goodies, extra provisions 'just in case' and all the other frenetic activity associated with Christmas. I have gladly passed that on to the next generation.
And I have to confess I'm quite relieved.
Don't get me wrong, come the week leading up to Christmas I'll be getting in the spirit, realising I've missed the second class post deadline for cards (again!), checking pressies bought (not a lot) and pressies to buy(er - most of them) and be up until the early hours of Christmas morning wrapping, decorating and be-ribboning my offerings before I head off to celebrate with my lovely family.
Because as lovely as all the decorations, food, drink, entertainment on the telly etc etc are, being together as a family is what we all really look forward to each year and what , after Christmas we'll remember the most. The laughter, the (slightly drunken) attempts to play Christmas songs and Carols on 'water flutes' (the funniest after lunch game), Nan and Grandad snoring on the sofa in the afternoon. The number of times my son-in-law cracks a mother-in-law joke (and yes, his 2 sons are following admirably in their father's footsteps!) But as he keeps re-assuring me he only takes the mickey out of those he likes the, where did I put that bright flourescent green shirt with the paisley pattern on, I'm sure he's going to love for Christmas...........
So just remember - come the big day whatever goody or titbit you've forgotten to get, whatever last minute pressie you couldn't find, whichever decorations you haven't got round to putting up, as lovely as all that is being together with others is what really makes Christmas. Whether famly or friends, quietly at home, in the midst of a rousing Carol service or at a party - sharing with others this wonderful time of year is what makes Christmas.
Christ may have been born in a stable, with nothing but a pile of straw to sleep on but the very first Christmas was celebrated by shepherds, angels and kings - and tha's the everlasting party I love celebrating at this time of year.
Well, I knew time was going to be against me this morning but I was determined to get this on so as I don't have any more time to tell you all about climbing the village church tower and playing the Shofar (Ram's horn) early one Sunday morning, or not getting the job I really thought was mine, or the fantastic day out with my daughter at the Christmas Craft fair Birmngham NEC, doing my first talk at Alpha (loved it!) and having my hair cut in a style which everyone tells me makes me look 10 years younger (yes - there are times when a few little white lies from your friends are acceptable..........) I thought I would leave you with a few pictures my brother took around this time last year.
Well, I really must get going.
Happy pre-Christmas couple of weeks and I promise I'll make every effort to get back at this keyboard before we're all ripping off the wrapping paper and eating far more than is good for us!
God bless
Jules xx