I've been trying to get back to my blog for weeks! I finally managed this evening and was horrified to find it's been 2 months since I've written anything on here. The number of people, I was pleasantly surprised to see from my stats, seems to have increased hugely over the last month which is massively encouraging. So big apology to anyone who is checking out my blog on a regular basis and I promise to do better............
Writing regularly is one of the things I'm going to make a much bigger effort to do this year. Talking of this year - can anyone believe we're already at the end of January!
I don't know whether it's my age (my mother says I'm at the age where time will be going faster - according to her once I retire it'll start to slow down again so I'll be clinging to this rapidly speeding train for at least another 12 years before I can look forward to having the time to catch my breath!)
Well - in my last post I was just starting to think about Christmas. True to form, I ended up wrapping most of my presents late Christmas eve, even leaving a few until after Christmas. You know, the ones for family and friends you're seeing after the actual 'big day' for another 'big day'.
But once again I had a great Christmas and wonderful time with my family. My daughter and son-in-law were great hosts, we spent a fabulous couple of days all together, laughing, eating great homemade food, playing games and just enjoying each others company.
But that was a month ago, everyone is back home and back to work and the new year is well under way.
I'm not a great one for making new year resolutions - like most people I end up breaking them before the end of January. But I promised myself some time ago that I would work on making more time in my life for just being with people. It's so easy to say 'I haven't got the time' and get caught up with work, church, housework (OK - I can hear my daughter laughing her head off at that one as housework is my number one pet hate). I do what I have to do and most people who visit me don't run screaming from the flat in terror so I guess it's fairly clean and tidy........most of the time........well, some of the time.............ok, ok, occasionally.......when I know someone is coming and I fly round like a demented Mary Poppins (without the magic tricks.)
Anyway, I digress - my point is the dust, clothes not hung up and a bit of general untidiness will always be there. Precious friends and family won't so, I would rather have a bit of a messy flat, or leave a few things undone at work than miss an evening with a few friends enjoying their company, or offering a shoulder to cry on, or planning a family get together. Those times are what real treasure is all about.
So I'm pleased to say I've made a pretty good start. I've met up with girlfriends the last couple of weekends for coffee or lunch (or both!), arranged to visit my brother for a weekend in February and even made some new friends after going to a 'singles' lunch last week. I did feel sorry for the one lone 30 year old man who turned up. He got a bit of a baptism of fire with half a dozen very strong 40/50 year old women -the phrase 'rabbit caught in the headlights' sprang to mind as I caught sight of him at the end of the table. But I think he survived and might even enjoy having a few older opinionated women giving him the benefit of their experience.....
Well, it's Sunday evening and as most of my 'regular' readers know I normally write in the mornings so this is a short, yes I'm still here post before I hit the sack ready for another week at the office.
Hope you've all had a great start to 2012
God bless and I'll be back soon
Jules x
Writing regularly is one of the things I'm going to make a much bigger effort to do this year. Talking of this year - can anyone believe we're already at the end of January!
I don't know whether it's my age (my mother says I'm at the age where time will be going faster - according to her once I retire it'll start to slow down again so I'll be clinging to this rapidly speeding train for at least another 12 years before I can look forward to having the time to catch my breath!)
Well - in my last post I was just starting to think about Christmas. True to form, I ended up wrapping most of my presents late Christmas eve, even leaving a few until after Christmas. You know, the ones for family and friends you're seeing after the actual 'big day' for another 'big day'.
But once again I had a great Christmas and wonderful time with my family. My daughter and son-in-law were great hosts, we spent a fabulous couple of days all together, laughing, eating great homemade food, playing games and just enjoying each others company.
But that was a month ago, everyone is back home and back to work and the new year is well under way.
I'm not a great one for making new year resolutions - like most people I end up breaking them before the end of January. But I promised myself some time ago that I would work on making more time in my life for just being with people. It's so easy to say 'I haven't got the time' and get caught up with work, church, housework (OK - I can hear my daughter laughing her head off at that one as housework is my number one pet hate). I do what I have to do and most people who visit me don't run screaming from the flat in terror so I guess it's fairly clean and tidy........most of the time........well, some of the time.............ok, ok, occasionally.......when I know someone is coming and I fly round like a demented Mary Poppins (without the magic tricks.)
Anyway, I digress - my point is the dust, clothes not hung up and a bit of general untidiness will always be there. Precious friends and family won't so, I would rather have a bit of a messy flat, or leave a few things undone at work than miss an evening with a few friends enjoying their company, or offering a shoulder to cry on, or planning a family get together. Those times are what real treasure is all about.
So I'm pleased to say I've made a pretty good start. I've met up with girlfriends the last couple of weekends for coffee or lunch (or both!), arranged to visit my brother for a weekend in February and even made some new friends after going to a 'singles' lunch last week. I did feel sorry for the one lone 30 year old man who turned up. He got a bit of a baptism of fire with half a dozen very strong 40/50 year old women -the phrase 'rabbit caught in the headlights' sprang to mind as I caught sight of him at the end of the table. But I think he survived and might even enjoy having a few older opinionated women giving him the benefit of their experience.....
Well, it's Sunday evening and as most of my 'regular' readers know I normally write in the mornings so this is a short, yes I'm still here post before I hit the sack ready for another week at the office.
Hope you've all had a great start to 2012
God bless and I'll be back soon
Jules x