Friday, 24 January 2014

The New Year begins

I can't believe the first month of 2014 is nearly over.  It seems like only yesterday I was thinking about Christmas and here we are at the end of January.

This is the start of quite an academic time for me. I'm now booked on a modular course at Spurgeons Bible College in London for the next 2 years.  I did do a couple of modules last year but have to admit I didn't actually manage to submit any assignments.  I'm easing myself in to the whole concept of learning seeing as it's about 40 years since I had to do any sort of studying or write an essay!  But I'm loving the whole process of attending lectures, mixing with people from very different backgrounds, theological traditions and of all ages.  There's lots of reading but it's a great opportunity and I'm grateful to the people who are supporting me and encouraging me in this.

I've got a variety of projects on at the moment, one of the major ones being organising a wedding for the end of April.  It's a great opportunity for 'church family' to come together and help two people who want to get married but aren't in a position to spend a lot of money.  Having been involved in events like this before I know that people can be very generous with their time and willingness to come together to ensure a memorable day for the happy couple.  I'm sure it won't be all plain sailing but I'm confident we can give them a day to remember.

I really want to try and ensure I get into the habit of writing every few weeks this year so am going to make my posts a bit shorter, but hopefully more regular.

I've got another first on Sunday evening - I'm leading and preaching at the evening service in my home church. This is a bit of a breakthrough in our church tradition so I feel certain responsibility to be well prepared.
So that's where I need to put my energies for the next couple of days so I'm off to polish my sermon....  

Hope you've all had a great start to 2014
Be back soon
Jules xx