Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Messing about on the river........

Evening everyone – unusually I’m writing this blog post in the evening.  I'm determined to get 2 posts on for July so not under the duvet (I'll fall asleep) but propped up on the sofa.

I spent yesterday and this morning in my office at home so decided earlier today to take my laptop and head off into the countryside near me to write whilst soaking up some sun (yes, I know we’ve had grey skies and rain again but the sun did make some brief appearances today and it’s been quite warm which as I’m sure you’ll agree constitutes a ‘good British summer’).

I enjoy exploring the B roads locally and finding little villages I’ve only seen on the map and discovering beautiful countryside. My other great love is water - any water. Rivers, the sea, waterfalls, lakes – I just love the sound and soothing effect water has on me. So I was delighted to spot, as I drove between villages I’d not visited before, some fishermen (or more precisely those large fishing umbrella’s under which they sit patiently waiting for the fish to bite). So I pulled into the car park and wandered along the bank of a lovely lake chatting to a couple of the devotees of the rod ‘n’ reel.

As I said my intention was to sit with my laptop and write. I got chatting to Tim, who was in his usual Tuesday afternoon fishing spot and was invited to sit and keep him company. I collected my folding chair from the boot, along with my laptop and a snack and settled down on the bank. Then I discovered my laptop wasn’t charged and I hadn’t remembered to put the lead in the case so couldn’t even go to a local coffee shop, plug in and write there! So – lesson learnt. If I intend writing in the open air, make sure I’ve charged my laptop!

Tim and I got into conversation and it transpired he’s a very experienced IT consultant, with a generous spirit as he offered any help I might need in building my website (more on that in a later post). I have a feeling I might be making a few more trips to the fishing lake...............and so the story continues....

Thursday, 5 July 2012

On location.......

Morning everyone from not so sunny Southampton. 

Since my last day at the NHS my feet as the saying goes haven't touched the ground.  So for any of you who have been enviously thinking of me laying in bed in the mornings, agonising over who to meet for coffee or lunch and then deciding which film to watch in the afternoons let me assure you I'm working as hard ( if not harder) than ever.  And I'm loving it................

My first day, and I mean literally my first day being the Saturday saw me up at 06:00 as we had the Watoto Children's choir from Africa come to Bedford and perform in Harpur square at lunchtime then give the most amazing concert in the evening at Bromham Baptist Church.  My job (very ably assisted by a friend of mine called Oscar) was to prepare a meal for them and the helpers which was an absolute delight.  Especially when my friend and I presented 'Jelly on a plate' for dessert accompanied by an enthusiastic (if not necessarily tuneful) rendition of the old nursery rhyme 'Jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate, wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, jelly on a plate!'   Despite the laughter the children (and adults) seemed to enjoy such a simple dessert dished up with lots of ice cream and fruit.

We were then repaid a thousand fold when the children gathered to say thanks and sing a blessing to all of us who had prepared their supper. I think I speak for all when I say there wasn't a dry eye in the place, and that included the guys.  This was followed by a massive round of hugs, smiles and thank you's making it one of the most memorable catering gigs I've ever done.

The choir is coming to the end of their 6 month tour for this year but have a look at their website to see what amazing work is being done with these beautiful children who's lives have been turned upside down by war, disease, abuse and many other traumas we pray our children never have to experience. www.watoto.com

So, then a lovely Sunday with the family before getting stuck in to trying (pretty much in vain) to get my office at home organised and wade through all the outstanding paperwork, get the car MOT'd (failed but only a tyre needed so really grateful for that) then down to Southampton on Thursday morning.

You'll see in the right hand column the link to the Anne House website and for those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know from my Easter 2011 posts what an amazing exhibition of Prophetic Christian art this is.

When I emailed Anne to say the answer to my prayers about work was 'resign' and told her the date I finished I got 'Great - exhibition going out to Fareham, Hampshire 29 June -can you come?'  So, here I am at the start of what we believe is an exciting time for both of us with Anne painting again and me being able to devote significant time to following up on enquiries for the exhibition, other projects involving the art and generally supporting Anne in this powerful ministry. 

A few of the paintings from New Generation  - creation section

Crown of Thorns and other depictions
of the new life we can all have

 (more piccies in the next bit)