Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Another year passes

Well, here we are at the end of yet another year. The old saying 'time flies when you're having fun' was right to a point, but I think it's more accurate to just say 'time flies!' - certainly in my case.

It may not surprise you to hear I've been having some technical difficulties with my PC, iPad and other 'teccy' stuff.  You know what it's like when you keep trying to sort something out and failing miserably. The periods between trying to tackle it get longer and longer until you eventually give up.  But I was determined to get something written and on this blog - eventually.

This is going to be very short and sweet.

Life is good.  Busy, frustrating at times, occasionally stressful (if I let things get to me) but on the whole good.
I have no regrets about resigning from my '5 days a week in the office' job  and trusting God for what I need each and every day. 
I love my life.
By a lot of peoples standards I may not have much but I consider myself rich in so many ways.  Rich in love, friends, time, peace and a myriad of other ways.

So I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has encouraged me over the past 12 months through their prayers, words of wisdom, shoulders to cry on and being prepared to just listen when I've needed a friend. Also a huge thank you to those people who have given me such practical help as well, including feeding me, often on a regular basis and the amazing (usually anonymous) gifts of money, supporting me in my on-going ministry.

Having attended Spurgeons Bible College for a couple of modules last year I am now registered for the next 2 years and on completing the course will receive a Certificate of Achievement, 'Equipped for Ministry'. Just need to get the brain working to produce essays and exegesis (now admit it, you're impressed with such a posh word.......).  Having left school at 16 it's been a few decades since I've had to do anything even remotely akin to study. But I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in.  I'll keep you posted.

Apologies for those of you who have been wondering if I'll get back to blogging but thank you for hanging on in there with me. 

I pray you've had a joyful Christmas and are looking forward to 2014.

Blessings to you and all your loved ones in the coming year
luv Jules xx

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Long, hot summer......

Hi everyone
What a wonderful summer we're having! We're gearing up for a family fun day on Sunday with free bar-b-q so praying the lovely weather holds out.

Since my last blog post life has just got busier and busier. But as always I'm loving the freedom not being tied to an office 5 days a week brings. It does mean I have to exercise some discipline over my time, which isn't one of my fortes I readily admit.

I find it very easy to get side tracked.  I often write a list in the mornings of all I want to achieve by the end of the day, but invariably end up having been busy all day, only managing about half the things I'd set out to do! I quite envy people who are able to stay completely focused on one task until it is finished. I remember going on those 'time management' courses at work.  You know, the ones which teach you to 'only handle a piece of paper once across your desk'.  A psychologist would have a field day with my desk at home - each piece of paper must occupy every part of my desk at some point before it finally gets posted/filed/shredded. I'm sure there are some bits still on there from when I first moved in over 6 years ago!

Hey ho, as my Mum says it wouldn't do for us all to be the same.  The world would be a very boring place if that were the case. 

As usual I'm rushing around and I'm conscious I haven't uploaded many photos recently so I thought I'd add some to this post.

My friends cat, helping us pack the boxes,
 ready for moving house
I had a wonderful day out with some girlfriends to Buckingham Palace last week. There is a special exhibition on for the 60th anniversary of the Queens coronation.  In addition to the breathtaking interior of the Queens London residence the exhibition gave wonderful insights into what went on behind the scenes in that historic year.

I was particularly impressed with the skill of the dress designers, makers and embroiderers of all the gowns for the Queen and Royal family.

But we all agreed it was the simple, completely plain dress the Queen wore when she was anointed with oil which somehow seemed most poignant.  It was cream linen, full pleated skirt, v neck and without any adornment at all. This was not seen on the television footage because this part of the ceremony is very private and takes place under a huge canopy.  It's the moment the Queen is stripped of all her regalia of office and is anointed with holy oil before the Lord God Almighty, acknowledging Him as her Lord and Saviour.
One of my friends was explaining, it is a large quantity of oil which is used and you could see pale yellow staining all down the folds of the dress. I can't help thinking what an incredibly intimate moment that must have been for Queen Elizabeth, who has never hidden how much her faith has sustained her over the years. I have great admiration for this woman who has always taken her duties seriously and served her people so faithfully all these years.

You're not allowed to take any photos inside the palace but here are a couple of lovely images from the grounds, which were a joy to walk through.

Out for a walk with my friend and her lively dog Tommy. 
 He also enjoys chewing anything not nailed down, in a tin or low enough for him to pinch.  Doesn't necessarily have to be edible! 

At the end of a fabulous day out with my Mum and Dad and a few friends, having an ice cream in Hunstanton.  Perfect English pastime!(Mum is on the right in the sunglasses, Dad is next to her)  
Been great to share with you all again and hope you enjoyed my few little piccies.

Blessings as usual and I hope everyone is able to enjoy this lovely weather for many more weeks to come.

Luv Jules xx

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Morning everyone
I know, I know, I've been very remiss lately in writing my blog here. Two reasons really - now doing a lot more writing for my website so time even more limited and also Google have started linking everything together! Took me ages to actually get signed into this account.  Obviously needing more technical training..............
I'm sitting in the sun in a lovely garden at my friends house in Southampton. I am supposed to be sorting out boxes, updating admin, checking emails etc. In other words it's gone 09:00 on a Wednesday morning and I am supposed to be working.

But that's the great thing about my new life. If I decide to do all the above at 10 in the evening - I can! As I was sitting here, listening to the waterfall beside me (just a little one into the fish pond - not Niagara falls......:-) I remembered how long it had been since I posted on my JB Blog. So I decided it was much more important to say hello to you all than to worry about some admin I can do anytime.

I'm going to keep this one short as there's been so much going on the last couple of months I'm not going to risk boring you all to tears! I have however got some pictures so I'll get another post on quickly (promise) and we can stroll through them together.

I decided enjoying the simple things in life are the most fulfilling and give me the best sense of contentment. Last week was a very busy one, working in Swanage. I don't know if any of you have ever been there but it is a lovely part of Dorset, has a gorgeous beach and surrounding coastline, with lovely friendly people.

On Friday afternoon, the sun was shining and I managed to take a couple of hours off and head up the coast a little to a place called Studland beach. I was driving my new car (9 yrs old but new to me........more about that another time), sun roof open and just enjoying some 'me' time.

I grew up in Norfolk and have so many happy memories of days at the seaside, paddling then swimming in the sea, building sandcastles with my Dad and brother, sitting on my Mums lap munching gritty sandwiches (I've decided Lord Sandwich had nothing to do with their name....just the beach!) So as I was spending more than a week in Swanage I was determined to make time to walk barefoot on the beach, paddle in the sea (yes it was freezing, but once your feet go numb you're fine!) and have an ice cream. I had the most wonderful time just walking along, lost in my thoughts but aware at the same time of others enjoying the day, taking kayaks out on the sea, even a group of teenagers on a school trip for their GCSE project. I answered a questionnaire for one of them and smiled as he left the most embarrassing question to last, sheepishly asking 'er, can you tell me which age group you come in?'. Bless him, I was pleased to say I wasn't quite in the last group - by just a few years!

But the older I'm getting the more I realise ageing has a lot to do with attitude. Yes, I am a bit slower than I was in my twenties. Yes, I have a few more aches and pains. The knees are a bit stiff in the mornings but hey, they still work and get me from A to B.

But I've discovered there are some great advantages to slowing down a little. You realise how much you miss when you're living life 'in the fast lane'. Whether I was being a single mum, wife, chef, musician, bank manager or any one of the many other incarnations of my life over the past 55 years very often, like so many people I 'missed' those opportunities to enjoy simple pleasures.....particularly sharing those moments with those you love and are precious to you.

I've often said I try not to do regrets, as there's nothing you can do to change the past. I always tried to make time for my daughter but like most young mums there were many occasions when other things took attention. My lovely daughter is now a wife and mother herself, in her mid 30's with her own busy life. But one thing I will always be grateful for is the time we did spend together in her formative years means she knows beyond doubt how much I love her. I love spending time with her and the family and that I am always there for her, day or night, whatever the reason. For that I thank God, she is my greatest blessing and I treasure every phone call, every lunch we manage to arrange, every time I get a call saying 'Hi mum, fancy coming round Saturday and stay for dinner?'

I don't know your personal circumstances, how old you are or what you do for a living. But one thing I do know - life is about relationships. We all have an inbuilt desire to be in 'relationship' with one another. Sometimes those relationships are difficult, get messy, we get hurt, we can so easily hurt others. Sometimes they are deeply committed, full of love, mutually fulfilling and caring.

But one thing I do know ......... relating to others is never a waste of time. Spending time with those we love, even a few minutes for a hug and 'have a great day' says more than we can ever imagine. Some relationships may only be fleeting - smiling at a stranger in the street takes a second, but it may just make that person feel 10 feet tall. We can all smile at one another without even breaking our stride to wherever we are hurrying to............

I was with lots of people last week and yes at times, I just needed a little time to myself. I've been here on my own now for 3 days and feel refreshed and rested. I'm still sitting in this lovely garden, listening to birds, the water, distant traffic, but in my spirit there is a stirring ........ for a little human contact. I'm not feeling lonely - far too many lovely friends and family I can call. But I fancy a walk........... so am getting my smile ready. Wonder who God will send across my path today I'll be able to share it with.......? I'll let you know next time, but in the meantime here's one for you all :-)

Blessings to you and your loved ones as always .

Jules xx

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Heading back home........ (oh yes, its my birthday as well!)

I'm heading back to Northamptonshire today after an incredible week in Crewe with Anne's New Generation exhibition.  I should be putting some pictures and blog post on the website (www.mt4life.org) over the next few days so you can check out how it all went on there.

It's been fantastic but tiring so once we're packed up I'll be hitting the road to get home.  I think tomorrow may well be a 'duvet day'......... :-)

As I was laying here early this morning and just running through things in my head there was a niggle I'd forgotten something.  Then I remembered it was my birthday! You'd have thought after all these years 1 - I'd remember more readily and 2 - I'd be thinking about slowing down a bit. 
Well, failed (and failing) miserably on both counts I'm pleased to say.

For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while you may recall I was recovering from a serious illness when I turned 50 and as I realised it's now 5 years on from that I remember getting up at my birthday party and saying I had this incredible sense the 'best was yet to come'.  Well, I can honestly say I think that's starting to come to pass.

I love every day of my new life.  I get to spend so much time with amazing people. I've been staying with the most wonderful lady called Susan, Socks the dog and Jinx & Maggie the cats.  There's also a few chickens living in the back garden but I haven't been sitting on the sofa having a cuddle with them in the evenings! We've enjoyed great conversations, good food (you should taste her homemade quiche.........), few glasses of wine but more than anything we have laughed so much.  I will miss my evening ritual of coming in, getting straight into my 'jimjams' and joining Susan in front of the wood burning stove to wind down and chat about the day.  But I have a sneaky suspicion I'll be invited back and I hope to be able to reciprocate the hospitaity when she comes to visit me.

As I say, life is so good. I get to choose where I go, when, for how long and despite working harder than I think I have ever done I am so glad, and grateful, to the prompting of God to have made the decision I did last year. 
The best birthday present I could get is the assurance I'll never have to go back to that 'safe' 9-5 office job existence ever again.
With all the things that are happening I have a sneaky suspicion that's not going to happen.  As I said to my surgeon when we were discussing my knee op last year 'God has a lot of work for me to do over the next 25-30 years so these knees have got to be able to carry me around!'

Thankfully this week they've not only held up really well as I've been on my feet 7-8 hours a day but also as I've climbed ladders, lugged frames around and stacked boxes.  Today they need to keep me going as we try to figure out how to pack 34 massive silk panels, metal frames, numerous boxes of stock, 1 suitcase, 1 bag of shoes and various random bags + me into my car!  This should be interesting...........

Need to get up and get going.  It's a short few days turn around before the exhibition goes up in Bedfordshire from the Easter weekend.  Check out the website for details under Events.

Next post will have pictures, I promise.

Have an especially blessed time this Easter as we remember what Jesus did for every single one of us at Calvary. (and if you don't know what that was...........I'm always happy to share the story with you)
God bless
Jules xx

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Some pictures at last!......

I've managed to get the dongle thingy working on my laptop (it is soooooo slow though........makes me appreciate my wireless broadband at home!)  so thought I'd upload a few recent photos while I've got the chance.  Still haven't managed to work out how to transfer my pictures from my phone to my iPad  - think I need an iPhone then it'll do the work for me!  I'm all for the easy option when it comes to technology.

Second attempt at uploading these pictures.....
They could do with a little cropping but I've decided to just get them posted while I stand a chance it will work!

Singin' Harmony in concert last Saturday.
This is the choir my brother joined last year who are using their talents and time to
perform and raise money for charity. Some, like Kev have never sung in a choir before.
If they're performing near you anytime I'd encourage you to go and hear them - they're good!

These are some felt Christmas decorations I made this year.
You could either hang them up or some had brooch backs sown on so they could be worn.
They looked very effective and were popular a the craft fayre I did with my daughter (see picture below)
My daughter Amy sitting behind our joint craft stall last December. 
She had the whole family 'crafting' including my grandsons.  They made some beautiful items including hand made leather notebooks, tree decorations and lovely Christmas aprons - something every man should wear on Christmas day! We had a great day together and managed to sell quite a few things as well.

I asked my brother to make me the word FAITH in wood to go on my bedroom wall which he did last year. For Christmas he made HOPE and LOVE to finish the set. They're from 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 which is often used in the marriage ceremony. Verse 4 starts 'Love is patient, love is kind .....' and goes on to list many more attributes of love. The last verse (13) says 'and now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love'.

 I find waking up to see these words at the end of my bed inspires me to act with love, towards whoever the Lord puts across my path that day. I know I'm not always lovable and I don't always show as much love (and all its attributes like patience...) as much as I should but it doesn't hurt to be reminded in such a beautiful way.
Thanks bruv.


I seem to have managed to get these on OK ad write the captions so before I completely lose the will to live with the speed (or should I say lack of ...) of this technology I'm going to publish this.  Hopefully it will work!

Luv Jules x


Monday, 4 February 2013

Hello from up north

I've just spent the last hour or so composing a post and managed to delete it!

Anyway, I'm on my travels - the first of many I hope of 2013. I'm combining work and pleasure this week currently visiting family near Hull, Nth Humberside then on to Crewe later in the week.

I'm having a day out and about (one of my favourite occupations), chatting to people I meet along the way. It's amazing the topics of conversation you have with people in the changing room when trying on a tunic top you found in the sale!

I've also spent a pleasant couple of hours in the Casa Bar and Kitchen in Beverley. I came in for a coffee and to use the free wi-fi then ended up staying for lunch! The food is homemade on the premises, delicious and the staff very friendly. I had a chicken parfait and there was no hesitation in bringing me more toast when I asked for it. If you find yourselves in this lovely market town then pop in - you'll get a warm welcome.

Off to Crewe on Thursday to finalise the arrangements for the New Generation exhibition which will be hosted by Wells Green Methodist Church along with 3 other churches. It will be staged from Monday 18th March to the following Monday. They've also asked if I would be their guest preacher for the Sunday morning service (24 March). I did check and say do you know what you're letting yourselves in for but despite that they still said they'd like me to preach! ....... Just hope I can see over the lectern OK.

Then back to Northamptonshire Friday only to be up at the crack of dawn to catch the train into London Saturday. It's the first of my modules at Spurgeons bible college. I'm very excited about starting the course, it's just so long since I had to do anything vaguely resembling homework. And before anyone comments, no we didn't use clay tablets when I was at school......... We had progressed to paper and pens by then. Computers however were still an alien concept when I last took an exam!

Anyway, time to hit the road again - especially as this is my second attempt to get this posted!

Be back soon
God bless as always
Luv Jules x

Monday, 14 January 2013

(Very) belated Happy New Year!

It's Monday morning and already half way through January which I still can't quite get my head around.

Life is busy but good busy if you know what I mean. I had an unusually stress free slow paced Christmas which was a very welcome change. My brother came to stay and it was just the two of us for Christmas day. We broke with tradition and decided to spread our present opening out over the day.  We're both fairly early risers so started with a cuppa around 6.30am and opened a couple each, finally opened our last present about 11.00pm.  My daughter and son-in-law got the opportunity to go to friends for Christmas which was such a nice change for them, then they hosted a family day on  News Years eve with turkey and all the trimmings so Christmas was a lovely long holiday for me spent with lots of my wonderful family. 

And here we are as I said already half way through the first month of 2013.

Now because I am so conscious I didn't get to blog as often as I wanted to in 2012 I'm determined to do better this year.  So I've taken advantage again of my iPad to write this morning before I really get stuck into the business of the day.  The more eagle eyed of you may have noticed however my last post did not contain any photos.  Well - neither does this.  It won't surprise you to hear that's because I haven't figured out yet how to download photos from my phone to my iPad! Unfortunately I don't have an iPhone otherwise I know it would sync automatically ( I am working on getting one.....) and I know everyone says the iPad  is so easy to use - intuitive is the word my Apple guru calls it that I should be able to work it out quite easily but no.  The sentence 'you can download your photos via iTunes' hasn't been overly helpful in my case. ...........

I have however just found out how to highlight this text and change the colour so whoo hoo - something else new I've learnt! 

As I said this year has got off to a busy start.  I've been spending a lot of time catching up with data inputting for the church finances and thank the Lord feel as if I've broken the back of it.  A wonderful lady called Louise has also come to my rescue and offered her time and expertise to take on some of the work.  A real answer to prayer. 

Work is progressing on setting up 'more time 4 life' ministries and the launch of the website which hopefully will be towards the end of this month. Fortunately that isn't down to my expertise otherwise  we could all be waiting years rather than weeks for it to happen! 

The diary is starting to get more appointments in for me to promote the Anne House exhibitions but we want many more enquiries. If you're involved in any organisation or group who you think might be interested in hosting an exhibition of Anne's art please email me at jmk@mt4life.co.uk or check out the link on the right hand side to her website which will give you a taster of what we can offer. 

Well it's 09.00 and emails, website plans etc beckon so I'm going to sign off now.  You'll be pleased to hear I'm meeting with James (the guy who's building the website and my IT expert) this weds evening so hopefully he'll be able to show me how to upload my photos so my next post can have some piccies.  That's of course once he's stopped laughing and explaining how even his 5 year old daughter knows how to do it...........

May  2013 be filled with God's blessings for you and your loved ones.
Bye for now
Jules x