Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Another year passes

Well, here we are at the end of yet another year. The old saying 'time flies when you're having fun' was right to a point, but I think it's more accurate to just say 'time flies!' - certainly in my case.

It may not surprise you to hear I've been having some technical difficulties with my PC, iPad and other 'teccy' stuff.  You know what it's like when you keep trying to sort something out and failing miserably. The periods between trying to tackle it get longer and longer until you eventually give up.  But I was determined to get something written and on this blog - eventually.

This is going to be very short and sweet.

Life is good.  Busy, frustrating at times, occasionally stressful (if I let things get to me) but on the whole good.
I have no regrets about resigning from my '5 days a week in the office' job  and trusting God for what I need each and every day. 
I love my life.
By a lot of peoples standards I may not have much but I consider myself rich in so many ways.  Rich in love, friends, time, peace and a myriad of other ways.

So I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has encouraged me over the past 12 months through their prayers, words of wisdom, shoulders to cry on and being prepared to just listen when I've needed a friend. Also a huge thank you to those people who have given me such practical help as well, including feeding me, often on a regular basis and the amazing (usually anonymous) gifts of money, supporting me in my on-going ministry.

Having attended Spurgeons Bible College for a couple of modules last year I am now registered for the next 2 years and on completing the course will receive a Certificate of Achievement, 'Equipped for Ministry'. Just need to get the brain working to produce essays and exegesis (now admit it, you're impressed with such a posh word.......).  Having left school at 16 it's been a few decades since I've had to do anything even remotely akin to study. But I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in.  I'll keep you posted.

Apologies for those of you who have been wondering if I'll get back to blogging but thank you for hanging on in there with me. 

I pray you've had a joyful Christmas and are looking forward to 2014.

Blessings to you and all your loved ones in the coming year
luv Jules xx

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