Friday, 15 April 2016

2016? - Already????????????!!!

Not exactly 'musing from under my duvet' but, as I've managed to access my blog (won't bore you with the details but suffice to say have been continually frustrated with my IT!) I decided it was high time I posted on here.
I'm actually in my kitchen watching a programme on keeping healthy as we get older.  Who knew toasted pumpkin seeds make a tasty snack?

Anyway, I digress.....

When I first started this blog I mainly wanted to use it as an encouragement to others. To encourage them in their daily lives, maybe give a few words of comfort when people are struggling with life, give my opinion on some topics which people like to discuss and maybe make a few people giggle along the way. 
I still want to do that, and hopefully this year will draw breath long enough to get some posts on here...............but I also want to share my love and trust in Jesus Christ.

Because I believe more than ever, in a world which offers us so much stimulus, bombards us with so many differing opinions, so much which is 'guarantteed to make us happy' and yet is a world in which so many people are suffering - trusting in Jesus Christ and accepting his gift of love which brings us back into relationship with creator God (as we're meant to live) is the only option which gives us deep, long lasting peace. 
Whether you're a multi millionaire, or a permanent resident of 'Benefits street', or fleeing for your life from one of the many war torn places in this world.........
Jesus says 'I am the way, the truth and the life.........'
A very simple, straightforward, no nonsense statement.

I'm sure like many of you out there I find myself feeling frustrated by much of the terrible news from around the world. 
I don't know enough about the conflict in Syria to understand why so many people are risking their lives to flee the country, but it's obvious there are thousands who feel it is their only option. 
I find it hard to accept so many lovely people I know are struggling with physical, emotional and mental illness. 
I feel guilty knowing I have a warm bed to sleep in when there are so many people who will be sleeping in doorways and cardboard boxes this winter, right here in my own country. 

I find myself asking 'What can I do?' In reality,in practical terms, not a great deal as an individual person.  I can of course send a monetary contribution to one of the many aid agencies and add my small contribution to the many others who give generously. I can tut tut and send sympathetic thoughts to those suffering. But it seems such a small drop in a very large ocean of despair. It would be so easy to just think "What's the point? - nothing is really going to change."

But then I thought to myself 'Hey, you're a Christian.  You believe in the power of prayer, you believe in the sovereignty of Jesus Christ and that God is ultimately in control.  Why are you feeling so helpless? At the very least you can devote some of your time to prayer. Pray for an end to conflict. Pray for God to intervene in peoples lives and situations. Pray for other Christians to add their prayers to yours.
There are so many stories of answered prayers, when Christians come together in this act of communication with the living God, a the modern saying goes 'Why wouldn't you?.'

Once I started to think in this way I began to feel less helpless, less able to make a difference, more determined to follow Jesus example and 'love my neighbour as myself'. In other words put others at the forefront of my thoughts, and keep their needs, hopes and desires in my heart, interceding for them before God in prayer. 

I don't want to be a comfortable, go to church once a week Christian.  I want to feel for people, laugh with them, cry with them, rejoice with them but above all introduce them to Jesus. 

I have called him friend, confidante, shepherd, Lord and saviour for over 40 years. There have been times also during the past 40 years when I've been disobedient, wilful, stubborn and just determined to 'do it my way'. 

But you know?  - He's never forsaken me.
Never let go of my hand, even though at times, like an angry toddler, I've fought to pull my hand out of his. And, as I look back over the years, I am so grateful he has, because I wouldn't be the person I am today without knowing Him. 

I try not to be too 'preachy' in these posts but I just sense, as we are rapidly getting through yet another year, I needed to be a little more direct. 

I am a daughter of the living Christ.
I love the Lord with all my heart, mind and spirit.
I ask Him daily to give me love for everyone I come in contact with, and for those He knows, but I will never meet. 

I thank Him for showering on me so many blessings and for welcoming me into His family of believers. 
I am indeed rich beyond measure.

As I said at the beginning of this post, I seem to have sorted out the gremlins in the system so hopefully you'll start to see a few more of my 'musings' in the coming weeks and months.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon you and your loved ones, today and always


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