This is so great! As you can see from my last post it's been a while since I visited my blog. Life is starting to take on the old pattern of busy, busy, busy. Trouble is when we're so busy we not only have no time to 'smell the coffee' we don't even get a chance to make it!
I didn't realise until I switched on my laptop, sitting up in bed this morning (one of my favourite places to write) and looked out at the beautiful blue sky, how much I'd missed this. I get terrific satisfaction in waking up gradually, making a cuppa and coming back to bed. In not starting the day in a flurry of activity. I like starting my day slowly, quietly, allowing my body and brain to gradually rise from the depths of sleep and greet the day refreshed, renewed and ready for whatever adventure today is going to bring.
Morning is also the best time (for me anyway) to re-charge my spiritual batteries. Yesterday I got engrossed in 'Gone with the Wind' and thought 'I'll do my bible reading tonight and spend time then talking to God'. Well, needless to say by the time I got to bed (having done 2 hours of my computer course until 9pm) it was a quick prayer and my bible stayed in the bedside drawer! No - morning is definitely the best time for prayer and reading. It also sets me up for the day - like any relationship 2 way communication is vital to a Christian so it's hardly surprising if I spend all my time rushing here, there and everywhere, however worthy the activity, I'm not going to have time to chat to God and I'm certainly not going to hear what he has to say to me!
Talking of 'Gone with the Wind' - it's a fantastic novel. Like most people I've seen the film several times but I always find books so much more satisfying. My imagination puts me right in the heart of the action and I often find myself identifying with aspects of the characters personalities. I have great admiration for authors of such talent and wonder if one day I'll see some of my efforts in print.
When I got the 'writing bug' last year at first I thought 'Yeah, right - I've never written anything of note until now, what makes me think anyone will want to read what I've got to say'. But the desire was so persistent I decided to 'go with the flow'. Then this morning I read about a man who was asked 'Do you play the violin?' he replied 'I don't know, I've never tried!'
That's how I feel about my writing - I don't know if I'm any good at it but until I try I'm just someone who wants to write. At least now if someone asks me 'Do you write?' I can answer 'Yes' - even if the only published work I can lay claim to so far is this blog and the strap line on the back of a CD cover!
Yes - this is one of my great pleasures. Sitting up in my very comfy bed, listening to the gradual swell of traffic past my window as my neighbours start their day. Wondering if the weather will stay sunny and warm or if the weather forecasters have got it right and we're in for yet another wet July day (ahhh - the British summer!). Deciding if I want another cuppa and would it be very decadent to have breakfast in bed as well? Decisions, decisions - think I'll definitely have another cuppa at least...................................
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