Can anyone believe it’s September already!
I know its September because
a) my school teacher
friend and I didn’t get to have a girly day together during the school holidays
despite pledging in June ‘This year we’re definitely going to find the time!’
b) having umm’d and aaaah’d about taking my light weight
summer cover off the bed and putting the duvet back the nights have warmed up
again and the hot flushes are back with a vengeance
c) yep, you’ve
guessed it, the Christmas cards are in the shops and I saw my first Christmas
advert last night!
It’s the beginning of SEPTEMBER – don't any of them own a calendar? It’s almost 4 months to
Christmas day – that’s one third of the year we're going to be subjected to all this commercial hype for 1 day!
I don’t know about anyone else but I used to love Christmas,
which I never even started to think about until well after bonfire night – and
that’s when I had the whole family coming for days over the holiday and had all
the menus to plan, shopping to do, nagging the ex to get the decorating
finished he’d started in April so I could cover it all up with Christmas
decorations...................I loved all the hustle and bustle.
But this obsession with retailers ‘being the first’ is one
of my absolute pet hates and almost makes me dread Christmas (If only we could
get back to it being primarily a birthday celebration - how great would that
Back to the retailers - they try to justify their greed by
saying they’re responding to consumer demand.
Well, I’d love to meet the consumer who’s demanding Christmas goodies (I’m
sure there can only be one!) while most
people are still wearing summer tops, eating al fresco and thinking they might
take a late summer break because ‘September is usually a lovely month’. Everyone I’ve ever spoken to hates all this
early hype as much as I do.
The card shops are usually the first, although I think some
of the supermarkets have already jumped on the band wagon. I wouldn’t know because from now to the end
of November I deliberately avoid those aisles until it gets to the point you
can’t go in anywhere from Lidl’s to Waitrose without being smacked in the face
with ‘seasonal items’.
As I said, card shops are always the first offenders. They grab the consumer from now on to draw
their attention to the fact they have oh my gosh only 15 weeks to get
their Christmas cards, wrapping paper, and over priced glittery spangly bits ready
to stick all over the presents they’re going to be buying each week from now
until early December. They grab you
convincing you the earlier you buy all your paper, cards etc the more organised
you will be. You’ll convince yourself that
this year, contrary to all the years which have gone before, if you start now
you’ll have a stress free, relaxing Christmas.
You’ll be patting yourself on the back thinking of everyone opening carefully
selected presents, wrapped beautifully with coordinating ribbon and other assorted
decoration, oohing and aahing over your creativity and attention to detail.
The next you know you wake up half way through December ,
realise you’ve missed the last date for 2nd class postage, haven’t
bought a single present, and it’s 3 weeks to pay day which is 31 December so a
fat lot of help that's going to be.
I've had a great couple of nights out this week which I’ll
tell you all about in my next blog post (and I promise to make it soon but I
really must get this posted and get up! Writing in my favourite place this
morning wearing my favourite pyjamas and it’s gone lunchtime!)
But I must just tell you this. The weirdest thing
happened – on both occasions the performers, one the ring master (now there’s a
clue....) and the other a female comedian called Jo told the same opening joke.
It didn’t make it less funny – I laughed
both times but I did wonder if Jo and I had been at the same venue the night
To finish off this morning and remind us all summer has only just passed over the horizon
on its way elsewhere in the world here’s some photo’s my brother recently took and
sent me. He loves going off with his
camera early in the morning and capturing creation at it’s finest. I think
these remind us nothing man made can compare with mother natures finest...............
Aren't these just beautiful? Check out Matthew 6:25-34 and see if you can see the link |
Have a great weekend whatever you’re doing and whoever you’re with.
God bless
Jules xx
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