Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Glorious time of the year

This is going to be one of those quick 'Hi, how is everyone' as I really should be getting ready for work  - and this is the second time I've started this post in the last week!
When I startd this the sun was still shining and like most people I'm sure I couldn't quite believe the amazing weather we were experiencing.  Having got organised and put all my summer clothes back in their box, shook out my autumn jumpers and found my gloves I needed to raid my boxes for summer tops and sandals!  But it was worth it. Sitting weekend before last with my brother enjoying a coffee outside a little Italian restaurant in Wellingborough, soaking up the sun and enjoying the beautiful autumn colours so vibrant in the sunlight. 

I played a concert that Saturday night with friends - light classical music, which was enjoyed by all, including us performers.  I've just heard today we raised over £1000 for the Bromham Elementary School in Wardhannapet in India so we are all delighted and I'd like to say a big thank you to those who came and supported us.  Watch out for more concerts in the future.

On Sunday we visited a friend in her new home and then on to my daughter's for a fantastic Sunday roast.

What struck me most about the whole weekend was the people. The food was lovely,the scenery spectactular and the weather amazing.  But the best part of all was sharing those things with people.  Some were family, some friends and some complete strangers. Like the owner of the restaurant who we spent a long time chatting to and found out he is a well travlled man with lots of interesting stories to tell.  Or the elderly gentleman sitting on the seat who was happy to have his picture taken (my brother is an enthusiastic and talented photographer).  He loved it when I said I'd post him a copy for his family and my brother has already printed a copy off. Or the ladies in the haberdashery shop who couldn't believe how wondrful a simple basket of woollooked as a photo with it's amazing variey of colour.

Anyway as I said since then I just haven't had time to finish the post as I've had another wonderful weekend away with my church family.  100+ of us went to a beautiful hotel in Bucks and had a fantastic time together - from 8 months, to 80. Will tell you more about that next time and also get some piccies uploaded. 
Going to quickly get this posted now before people think I've disappeared of the face of the earth!

God bless and hope you're not finding the inevitable autumnal air too chilly
Jules xx 

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