Hi everyone
I am having such an amazing time at the moment and once again have struggled to find time to write this blog. Some time in the future I might get a bit more time to write but at the moment I'm too busy just living life to the full!
I'm supposed to be doing some financial 'churchy' stuff at the moment but as I need to be in the right mood (can be a bit boring) and I've been discussing what needs to be done with one of my team all morning I thought I'd give myself a break. Unfortunately I'm not in the park today or I might get my chair out again.
This is a quick whirlwind tour of what's been happening since I left the NHS. So, sorry if it's in bullet point form but there's so much I'll be here all week if I go into too much detail.
Firstly 3 questions:
1 - Did I make the right decision in giving up a full time paid job and the chance of securing (relatively easily) a position in the new structure?
Answer - absolutely
2 - Have I done the right thing in putting my trust in Jesus to walk side by side with me and be my running partner as the pace picks up (see my Olympic link there??? - not original I have to confess but I'm sure Tim won't mind)
Again - absolutely
3 - Is He showing me in so many ways He knows I have to put bread on the table and pay my bills and is making provision in so many amazing ways?
Oh yes - so many stories even in just 2 months I could share (if anyone wants to know more specifics feel free to email me - happy to share). Stories on the next bit.....
When I resigned I felt I was being called into some form of full time Christian work but I really didn't know what. I signed up on some relevant websites and looked at jobs, a few friends emailed me various ads they saw and I knew I had the option of signing on with some agencies but none of those options seemed quite right.
Although from the start I was busy, nothing clear was coming to mind despite praying about my situation.
Should I actively look for a job?
Should I think about moving to cut down outgoings?
Should I consider taking in a lodger to help with costs?
And lots more questions and ideas.
Well - over the last few weeks I feel God has made it clear I'm not supposed to do any of these things.
When I've got something on my mind obviously I pray about it but as many people will tell you it's rare you get an instant answer. Often the answer, or answers, will come in very different ways to what you expect.
While I was helping Anne with her latest exhibition I was introduced as her exhibition manager which was fine. We've agreed that's a role I will be fulfilling as we get the exhibitions out more.
But I knew that wasn't all I was meant to be doing.
I've known from the beginning I have to set up a website - I even have the name and idea for a logo sorted out. But again, wasn't too clear on it's exact purpose.
Also, in the first few weeks I found it hard to explain and get people to understand
1 - I didn't retire from the NHS - I resigned!
2 - What exactly I had been called to do (because the Lord hadn't revealed that bit at the time....)
Well, now He has, whilst I was putting the kettle on for a cuppa (what's everyone laughing about? nothing unusual there in my experience.......)
So when people ask me now 'What do you do?' I answer 'I am a full time evangelist'. I did start by saying 'self employed' because that's the basis on which I'm operating but as I don't make a charge for anything I'm doing at the moment seemed a bit weird so I think 'Full time evangelist' sounds much better.
Before you start imagining me pounding the streets with a big placard and waving my bible in the air that's not how I believe I am meant to go about my calling. I have great admiration for those who do, if they truly believe that is what God is telling them to do, but I'm not too sure how useful that approach is in our current culture. A debate for another time perhaps.........
So - I can now say with confidence I believe I have been called by God to be a full time, 24/7 evangelist. To share the love of God and explain how everyone, and I need to emphasis here that means everyone, can have a personal relationship with Him through his son Jesus and the sacrifice he made for us. The simple, straightforward message of Good News (the gospel).
I have to say reporting directly to the Lord God Almighty may sound a bit daunting but He's the best line manager I've ever worked for and I've really had to brush up on my listening and discernment skills ..........
As I said, I'm not pounding the streets or expounding from a pulpit but just being with people in their everyday situations, giving a few talks to small groups, playing my music and generally being with people sharing my story - and it's great.
If anyone reading this feels prompted to invite me to come and give a talk to any kind of group, take an Alpha session, share some of my story or even come to preach then please feel free to contact me. Email address on the right hand side.
Life is so exciting at the moment.
Although I do try to start each week with a bit of a structure - appointments in the diary, set times to catch up on admin etc most of the time that changes by the time I've got to the end of the week. (I've always said I hate routine.......what routine???????:-)
I've already written about my afternoon with the fishermen which was supposed to be an afternoon of writing.
Well, here's another unplanned event (unplanned by me anyway......)
2 weeks ago my friend asked if I'd like to go to London to watch some of the mens triathlon. I have to confess I wasn't that keen at first not being overly interested in sport. I was also thinking of the expense of the train fare but as we chatted she suggested we hand the day over to God so as well as asking for an enjoyable time,
we asked Him bring us into contact with anyone he wanted to, for whatever reason.
I'd love to give you more info at this stage but I can't - sufficient to say I did get involved and have had one of the most extraordinary, engaging, positive and emotional experiences of my life so far and am looking forward to when I can share more with you which will hopefully be before the end of the year.
In conclusion......
Should I have done this any earlier in my life - when I had more energy, was younger, had a husband to help support me perhaps??
After pondering on these I've realised - no.
I would not have been ready.
So - with reference to a quote on a previous blog post
Am I still a prisoner of my history?
No - my experiences, whether joyful, sad, significant or just the ups and downs of every day life have all contributed to where I am today but they do not determine the rest of my journey.
Do I believe I am now starting to experience the destiny God has always held ready for me to step into?
Yes. I've served my apprenticeship and am now ready to follow where God continues to lead me, because I know it will give me the most fulfilled future I could possibly have.
I've lived long enough to know there will be moments/times when I'm really happy, when I'm desperately unhappy, when I can laugh, when I'll cry. There will be days which just fly by, other times will really drag and some moments I'll remember for the rest of my life. Sometimes money won't be an issue, other times I'll wonder how I'm going to pay the next bill.
But through all that I know, deep down, I will have the peace of God, which no-one really understands, but which we can all experience by truly putting our trust in Him.
Well, so much for a short break (oops) but I wanted to get a few thoughts down. I'm really encouraged that there seems to be a growing number of you out there in cyberspace reading my 'musings' so hope you enjoy this latest offering. As I've said before, I would love to hear from you, whatever you may have to say.
Lots of blessings and lets hope this lovely sunshine continues.
Luv Jules xx
I am having such an amazing time at the moment and once again have struggled to find time to write this blog. Some time in the future I might get a bit more time to write but at the moment I'm too busy just living life to the full!
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Taking a break recently... |
This is a quick whirlwind tour of what's been happening since I left the NHS. So, sorry if it's in bullet point form but there's so much I'll be here all week if I go into too much detail.
Firstly 3 questions:
1 - Did I make the right decision in giving up a full time paid job and the chance of securing (relatively easily) a position in the new structure?
Answer - absolutely
2 - Have I done the right thing in putting my trust in Jesus to walk side by side with me and be my running partner as the pace picks up (see my Olympic link there??? - not original I have to confess but I'm sure Tim won't mind)
Again - absolutely
3 - Is He showing me in so many ways He knows I have to put bread on the table and pay my bills and is making provision in so many amazing ways?
Oh yes - so many stories even in just 2 months I could share (if anyone wants to know more specifics feel free to email me - happy to share). Stories on the next bit.....
When I resigned I felt I was being called into some form of full time Christian work but I really didn't know what. I signed up on some relevant websites and looked at jobs, a few friends emailed me various ads they saw and I knew I had the option of signing on with some agencies but none of those options seemed quite right.
Although from the start I was busy, nothing clear was coming to mind despite praying about my situation.
Should I actively look for a job?
Should I think about moving to cut down outgoings?
Should I consider taking in a lodger to help with costs?
And lots more questions and ideas.
Well - over the last few weeks I feel God has made it clear I'm not supposed to do any of these things.
When I've got something on my mind obviously I pray about it but as many people will tell you it's rare you get an instant answer. Often the answer, or answers, will come in very different ways to what you expect.
While I was helping Anne with her latest exhibition I was introduced as her exhibition manager which was fine. We've agreed that's a role I will be fulfilling as we get the exhibitions out more.
But I knew that wasn't all I was meant to be doing.
I've known from the beginning I have to set up a website - I even have the name and idea for a logo sorted out. But again, wasn't too clear on it's exact purpose.
Also, in the first few weeks I found it hard to explain and get people to understand
1 - I didn't retire from the NHS - I resigned!
2 - What exactly I had been called to do (because the Lord hadn't revealed that bit at the time....)
Well, now He has, whilst I was putting the kettle on for a cuppa (what's everyone laughing about? nothing unusual there in my experience.......)
So when people ask me now 'What do you do?' I answer 'I am a full time evangelist'. I did start by saying 'self employed' because that's the basis on which I'm operating but as I don't make a charge for anything I'm doing at the moment seemed a bit weird so I think 'Full time evangelist' sounds much better.
Before you start imagining me pounding the streets with a big placard and waving my bible in the air that's not how I believe I am meant to go about my calling. I have great admiration for those who do, if they truly believe that is what God is telling them to do, but I'm not too sure how useful that approach is in our current culture. A debate for another time perhaps.........
So - I can now say with confidence I believe I have been called by God to be a full time, 24/7 evangelist. To share the love of God and explain how everyone, and I need to emphasis here that means everyone, can have a personal relationship with Him through his son Jesus and the sacrifice he made for us. The simple, straightforward message of Good News (the gospel).
I have to say reporting directly to the Lord God Almighty may sound a bit daunting but He's the best line manager I've ever worked for and I've really had to brush up on my listening and discernment skills ..........
As I said, I'm not pounding the streets or expounding from a pulpit but just being with people in their everyday situations, giving a few talks to small groups, playing my music and generally being with people sharing my story - and it's great.
If anyone reading this feels prompted to invite me to come and give a talk to any kind of group, take an Alpha session, share some of my story or even come to preach then please feel free to contact me. Email address on the right hand side.
Life is so exciting at the moment.
Although I do try to start each week with a bit of a structure - appointments in the diary, set times to catch up on admin etc most of the time that changes by the time I've got to the end of the week. (I've always said I hate routine.......what routine???????:-)
I've already written about my afternoon with the fishermen which was supposed to be an afternoon of writing.
Well, here's another unplanned event (unplanned by me anyway......)
2 weeks ago my friend asked if I'd like to go to London to watch some of the mens triathlon. I have to confess I wasn't that keen at first not being overly interested in sport. I was also thinking of the expense of the train fare but as we chatted she suggested we hand the day over to God so as well as asking for an enjoyable time,
we asked Him bring us into contact with anyone he wanted to, for whatever reason.
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Crowds outside Buckingham Palace |
We had a fantastic day, the atmosphere was so positive, people laughing and chatting, cheering on the cyclists as they whizzed around in front of Buckingham Palace (then they whizzed back the other way which confused me greatly until someone explained the route to me.........not sure I ever really got it but hey ho, it was great to be part of)
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London Parks staff must have been working so hard to give such beautiful displays |
As we wandered through Green park we decided to sit and eat our sandwiches and have a sit down. It was then we were approached by 2 people who gave us a bit of information about themselves, asked a few questions of us and then asked if we'd be interested in a particular project for which we'd need to be available at very short notice. We said we'd think about it and they left (I'm thinking definitely needed some time to pray about this one!)
I'd love to give you more info at this stage but I can't - sufficient to say I did get involved and have had one of the most extraordinary, engaging, positive and emotional experiences of my life so far and am looking forward to when I can share more with you which will hopefully be before the end of the year.
In conclusion......
Should I have done this any earlier in my life - when I had more energy, was younger, had a husband to help support me perhaps??
After pondering on these I've realised - no.
I would not have been ready.
So - with reference to a quote on a previous blog post
Am I still a prisoner of my history?
No - my experiences, whether joyful, sad, significant or just the ups and downs of every day life have all contributed to where I am today but they do not determine the rest of my journey.
Do I believe I am now starting to experience the destiny God has always held ready for me to step into?
Yes. I've served my apprenticeship and am now ready to follow where God continues to lead me, because I know it will give me the most fulfilled future I could possibly have.
I've lived long enough to know there will be moments/times when I'm really happy, when I'm desperately unhappy, when I can laugh, when I'll cry. There will be days which just fly by, other times will really drag and some moments I'll remember for the rest of my life. Sometimes money won't be an issue, other times I'll wonder how I'm going to pay the next bill.
But through all that I know, deep down, I will have the peace of God, which no-one really understands, but which we can all experience by truly putting our trust in Him.
Well, so much for a short break (oops) but I wanted to get a few thoughts down. I'm really encouraged that there seems to be a growing number of you out there in cyberspace reading my 'musings' so hope you enjoy this latest offering. As I've said before, I would love to hear from you, whatever you may have to say.
Lots of blessings and lets hope this lovely sunshine continues.
Luv Jules xx
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