Thursday, 5 June 2008

First post!

This is so exciting - and just a bit scary too. I've been writing a diary (of sorts) for about 6 months now but never created a blog before. I'm wondering who's going to read it, what they'll think, what they might say! Of course, I might not get any reaction, so - we'll just have to wait and see!

Firstly an explanation. Why 'Musings from under the Duvet?' That's where I first started writing my diary and other thoughts (more about those later). The ceilings in my flat are very high and I've got a big Georgian window in my bedroom which lets in a lot of natural light. I tend to wake quite early (I still think my mother doesn't believe I'm up making a cuppa at 6.30 on the morning!) as there's no curtain at the window (I'm on the third floor and don't think the pigeons mind me wandering around in my underwear). I get my tea (earl grey) and get back under the duvet, plug in my laptop and start hitting the keys. The end result is hopefully at least readable and on a good day quite inspired (in my opinion anyway!). I felt the desire to write about 8 months ago whilst going through a serious illness. That desire is just getting stronger so hence this offering. This morning was just too beautiful to spend in bed so I grabbed a jam sandwhich for breakfast, threw on some clothes and headed for one of my favourite local spots.

Having spent the good part of the morning sitting in my new fold away canvas chair by the lake, with my laptop plugged into the car cigarette lighter (glad it's useful for something) I feel this overwhelming desire to just get my thoughts down. It does mean however I'm not actually getting any work done,which is what I turned on my laptop to do, so I'm going to finish this now and get on with something else.

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