Sunday, 27 November 2011

Can someone please find me 2 more days a week....

Morning everyone - yes, I am still alive and kicking! (well, breathing at least)

I've got a perennial problem at the moment.  As anyone who's read this blog in the past knows I tend to use a lot of my life experiences as material to write about and at the moment I'm so busy living that life - I'm just not getting any time to write about it! Believe it or not I started this blog post over a week ago, hit technical problems and this is the first chance I've had to get back to it.
So this may end up posted with typos, no pictures and generally not making a lot of sense (OK, I can hear most of you thinking  'no change there then...') but I am determined to get something on here this morning!
So firstly I'd like to apologise to anyone who's checked out my site in the last few weeks and thought 'Is she still around?  Has she emigrated?  Where is she??????'

Apart from lots going on I've also been suffering from the bane of modern living - temperemental technology.  You know how it is -slow PC, printer not working, can't download the apps on your new phone.  As much as I love the age of instead searches and having your groceries delivered to your door at the touch of a button I do think there are times when we all crave a much simpler existence.  And I don't think there's a better example of that craving than this few weeks leading up to December 25. 

I'm so pleased to say my daughter and son-in-law have, for the past few years,  enthusiastically taken on the role of 'family Christmas hosts'. This year my daughter is very excited about the 'life size' reindeer she's bought with extendable legs.............I know, she has a very tolerant and understanding husband. 

I (and my 2 husbands) have fulfilled this role many times in the past, as indeed my mum and dad did before that. But now, all I have to do is turn up with a couple of dozen of my home made mince pies, the traditional red cabbage to go with the roast turkey, cooked and just ready to re-heat and a few pressies for the family - especially my 2 grandsons.  Gone are the days of planning lots of meals, decorating the house from top to bottom, filling the fridge, freezer and any other cupboard I can find with lots of goodies, extra provisions 'just in case' and all the other frenetic activity associated with Christmas.  I have gladly passed that on to the next generation.

And I have to confess I'm quite relieved. 

Don't get me wrong, come the week leading up to Christmas I'll be getting in the spirit, realising I've missed the second class post deadline for cards (again!), checking pressies bought (not a lot) and pressies to buy(er - most of them) and be up until the early hours of Christmas morning wrapping, decorating and be-ribboning my offerings before I head off to celebrate with my lovely family.  

Because as lovely as all the decorations, food, drink, entertainment on the telly etc etc are, being together as a family is what we all really look forward to each year and what , after Christmas we'll remember the most.  The laughter, the (slightly drunken) attempts to play Christmas songs and Carols on 'water flutes' (the funniest after lunch game), Nan and Grandad snoring on the sofa in the afternoon.  The number of times my son-in-law cracks a mother-in-law joke (and yes, his 2 sons are following admirably in their father's footsteps!)  But as he keeps re-assuring me he only takes the mickey out of those he likes the, where did I put that bright flourescent green shirt with the paisley pattern on, I'm sure he's going to love for Christmas...........

So just remember - come the big day whatever goody or titbit you've forgotten to get, whatever last minute pressie you couldn't find, whichever decorations you haven't got round to putting up, as lovely as all that is being together with others is what really makes Christmas. Whether famly or friends, quietly at home, in the midst of a rousing Carol service or at a party - sharing with others this wonderful time of year is what makes Christmas.

Christ may have been born in a stable, with nothing but a pile of straw to sleep on but the very first Christmas was celebrated by shepherds, angels and kings  - and tha's the everlasting party I love celebrating at this time of year. 

Well, I knew time was going to be against me this morning but I was determined to get this on so as I don't have any more time to tell you all about climbing the village church tower and playing the Shofar (Ram's horn) early one Sunday morning, or not getting the job I really thought was mine, or the fantastic day out with my daughter at the Christmas Craft fair Birmngham NEC, doing my first talk at Alpha (loved it!) and having my hair cut in a style which everyone tells me makes me look 10 years younger (yes - there are times when a few little white lies from your friends are acceptable..........) I thought I would leave you with a few pictures my brother took around this time last year.

How beautiful are these........From August to December.  I just love the variety of seasons we have and the beauty of each one.

Well, I really must get going.
Happy pre-Christmas couple of weeks and I promise I'll make every effort to get back at this keyboard before we're all ripping off the wrapping paper and eating far more than is good for us!
God bless
Jules xx

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Glorious time of the year

This is going to be one of those quick 'Hi, how is everyone' as I really should be getting ready for work  - and this is the second time I've started this post in the last week!
When I startd this the sun was still shining and like most people I'm sure I couldn't quite believe the amazing weather we were experiencing.  Having got organised and put all my summer clothes back in their box, shook out my autumn jumpers and found my gloves I needed to raid my boxes for summer tops and sandals!  But it was worth it. Sitting weekend before last with my brother enjoying a coffee outside a little Italian restaurant in Wellingborough, soaking up the sun and enjoying the beautiful autumn colours so vibrant in the sunlight. 

I played a concert that Saturday night with friends - light classical music, which was enjoyed by all, including us performers.  I've just heard today we raised over £1000 for the Bromham Elementary School in Wardhannapet in India so we are all delighted and I'd like to say a big thank you to those who came and supported us.  Watch out for more concerts in the future.

On Sunday we visited a friend in her new home and then on to my daughter's for a fantastic Sunday roast.

What struck me most about the whole weekend was the people. The food was lovely,the scenery spectactular and the weather amazing.  But the best part of all was sharing those things with people.  Some were family, some friends and some complete strangers. Like the owner of the restaurant who we spent a long time chatting to and found out he is a well travlled man with lots of interesting stories to tell.  Or the elderly gentleman sitting on the seat who was happy to have his picture taken (my brother is an enthusiastic and talented photographer).  He loved it when I said I'd post him a copy for his family and my brother has already printed a copy off. Or the ladies in the haberdashery shop who couldn't believe how wondrful a simple basket of woollooked as a photo with it's amazing variey of colour.

Anyway as I said since then I just haven't had time to finish the post as I've had another wonderful weekend away with my church family.  100+ of us went to a beautiful hotel in Bucks and had a fantastic time together - from 8 months, to 80. Will tell you more about that next time and also get some piccies uploaded. 
Going to quickly get this posted now before people think I've disappeared of the face of the earth!

God bless and hope you're not finding the inevitable autumnal air too chilly
Jules xx 

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Who pinched the last couple of months?......

            Can anyone believe it’s September already! 
I know its September because

a)  my school teacher friend and I didn’t get to have a girly day together during the school holidays despite pledging in June ‘This year we’re definitely going to find the time!’       

b) having umm’d and aaaah’d about taking my light weight summer cover off the bed and putting the duvet back the nights have warmed up again and the hot flushes are back with a vengeance

c)  yep, you’ve guessed it, the Christmas cards are in the shops and I saw my first Christmas advert last night!

It’s the beginning of SEPTEMBER – don't any of them own a calendar?  It’s almost 4 months to Christmas day – that’s one third of the year we're going to be subjected to all this commercial hype for 1 day! 

I don’t know about anyone else but I used to love Christmas, which I never even started to think about until well after bonfire night – and that’s when I had the whole family coming for days over the holiday and had all the menus to plan, shopping to do, nagging the ex to get the decorating finished he’d started in April so I could cover it all up with Christmas decorations...................I loved all the hustle and bustle.

But this obsession with retailers ‘being the first’ is one of my absolute pet hates and almost makes me dread Christmas (If only we could get back to it being primarily a birthday celebration - how great would that be????...........).

Back to the retailers - they try to justify their greed by saying they’re responding to consumer demand.  Well, I’d love to meet the consumer who’s demanding Christmas goodies (I’m sure there can only be one!)  while most people are still wearing summer tops, eating al fresco and thinking they might take a late summer break because ‘September is usually a lovely month’.  Everyone I’ve ever spoken to hates all this early hype as much as I do.

The card shops are usually the first, although I think some of the supermarkets have already jumped on the band wagon.  I wouldn’t know because from now to the end of November I deliberately avoid those aisles until it gets to the point you can’t go in anywhere from Lidl’s to Waitrose without being smacked in the face with ‘seasonal items’. 

As I said, card shops are always the first offenders.  They grab the consumer from now on to draw their attention to the fact they have oh my gosh only 15 weeks to get their Christmas cards, wrapping paper, and over priced glittery spangly bits ready to stick all over the presents they’re going to be buying each week from now until early December.  They grab you convincing you the earlier you buy all your paper, cards etc the more organised you will be.  You’ll convince yourself that this year, contrary to all the years which have gone before, if you start now you’ll have a stress free, relaxing Christmas.  You’ll be patting yourself on the back thinking of everyone opening carefully selected presents, wrapped beautifully with coordinating ribbon and other assorted decoration, oohing and aahing over your creativity and attention to detail.    
       The reality is you’ll splurge on cards, coordinated paper , ribbon, bows, festive confetti and numerous other paraphernalia, come home and ‘put them in a safe place’.  You’ll then think ‘That’s enough forward planning for a couple of weeks – I’ll start present buying in October’. 
       The next you know you wake up half way through December , realise you’ve missed the last date for 2nd class postage, haven’t bought a single present, and it’s 3 weeks to pay day which is 31 December so a fat lot of help that's going to be.
          And to add insult to injury you can’t for the life of you remember where you put all those carefully selected cards, wrapping paper, confetti and glittery, spangly bows!  Oh well, there’s always next year.............

I've had a great couple of nights out this week which I’ll tell you all about in my next blog post (and I promise to make it soon but I really must get this posted and get up! Writing in my favourite place this morning wearing my favourite pyjamas and it’s gone lunchtime!)
But I must just tell you this. The weirdest thing happened – on both occasions the performers, one the ring master (now there’s a clue....) and the other a female comedian called Jo told the same opening joke.  It didn’t make it less funny – I laughed both times but I did wonder if Jo and I had been at the same venue the night before????...................

          To finish off this morning and remind us all summer has only just passed over the horizon on its way elsewhere in the world here’s some photo’s my brother recently took and sent me.  He loves going off with his camera early in the morning and capturing creation at it’s finest. I think these remind us nothing man made can compare with mother natures finest...............

Aren't these just beautiful? 
Check out Matthew 6:25-34 and see if you can see the link

Have a great weekend whatever you’re doing and whoever you’re with.
God bless

Jules xx

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Not sure if this is going to work as trying to post from my new android phone. Got this yesterday but haven't had time to really find out what it can do - but enjoying playing around with it. It really is like having a little computer in your hand.

Anyway I know I could play around on this late into the night but must get some sleep. Only got 5 hours sleep last night so going to see if I can get this to load up.

God bless and have a lovely weekend.
Jules x

Monday, 15 August 2011

I'm still here folks!........

This is bliss.  I've finally found the time to write my blog, in my favourite place (propped up in bed) with a nice cuppa the side of me.  Even though it's Monday morning the sun is shining and as I write I can feel the stress and tension of the last few weeks slowly oozing out of my fingers.

It's just been so busy!  The last time I wrote I was preparing for a performance at the show in Bromham.  Now, playing at the local village show may not exactly be the X Factor or Britain's got Talent but to me it was just as big a deal.  There would be quite a few people there who know me.  OK - I did invite my family and made them promise to clap and cheer madly but what are grandchildren for if not to be hugely embarrassed by Nana playing a trumpet in a red sequin dress in front of lots of  
Not on stage - but a friend kindly took
some pics of me with his vintage sports car!
There was a big central arena, a small raised stage - and me.  I made sure I was well prepared, had done plenty of practice, felt very glam in my favourite red dress (which I was delighted to find I could still get in to!)  and was there in plenty of time.

My biggest enemy is nerves.  My mouth dries, my breathing gets restricted and lets just say the sound coming out the end the trumpet can end up resembling a pathetic half hearted raspberry rather than rich, melodic tones aka Harry James (for the uninitiated very famous trumpet player with beautiful sound who someone once said I reminded him of.........sure he must have had a hearing impediment..?)

Anyway, as I was driving to the show I did what I often do and had a little chat with my heavenly Father.  After all it was His day and here I was all glammed up and I certainly wasn't going to be singing any hymns today.  Then I remembered my reading from earlier that day.  It was all about offering our gifts and talents up to God, whatever they are, in a spirit of thankfulness and  praise.  So that's what I did.  I said 'Well Lord, I won't be getting to church today so when I play Fly me to the Moon, Tuxedo Junction and Sweet Georgia Brown later it will be my offering of worship back to you.  You're the one who gave me the gift of music - thank you'.
It was the best prep I could ever have done because I can honestly say I wasn't nervous at all, I didn't dry up and I was on top of the world when I came off that stage. And I'm pretty certain the Lord enjoyed my sincere if rather unconventional worship that day.......... 

Close up of the icing detail

I've had a number of projects on in the last couple of months.  I was asked to produce 2 wedding cakes this year (one in July and one in August) having not done anything like that for a while.  The first one had to be completed within a week of the show so it was a pretty busy few weeks.  I'm pleased to say they were completed on time and well received.  There's been a few other things going on as well which have been quite time and energy consuming so it has felt like everyone has wanted a piece of me recently.  Don't get me wrong I love being busy, I like being involved in lots of different things but sometimes we have to recognise we can't do it all, can't keep going at that pace indefinitely. 
Cream sugar roses -
fiddly to make but worth it

I count myself so fortunate that I have good friends and family who recognise when I'm hitting 'burn out' and know just when to lend a sympathetic ear, give a few words of wisdom and more often that not offer their shoulder to have a good cry on.  Yesterday was just such a day and as I said at the beginning of this post I feel the tension which was with me all weekend has maybe not gone completely but has lessened a great deal. 
It's not easy to admit when we feel overwhelmed, when we feel out of our depth or just plain exhausted but it is important to recognise when that's how you feel.  As I said to someone yesterday I'm a tough 'old' bird most of the time and for me, a cuppa, my bible and some quality time with my God, who always has time to listen to me, is all I need to get me back on track.  But there are times when He recognises even I need those few words of wisdom from a friend, that sympathetic ear willing to let me just pour out my heart and big strong arms ready to give me hug.  

I was feeling quite drained and spiritually dry yesterday but  instead of not bothering to go out, staying at home feeling sorry for myself (which is what I wanted to do when I first got up) I did go out.  I did get to church (admittedly only in time for coffee!) and spent a great day and evening with friends, playing and singing, eating, drinking some very nice wine and re-charging by reserves.  During that time they all played their part in allowing me to share how I was feeling and helped me re-charge my batteries ready to get up today and face life head on again.

Yep - my cup may have run dry for a little while but thanks to my faith, my friends and my family once again it's filling up and I'm pretty certain it won't be too long before it's brimming over the top again!

God bless as always and I promise (well, try as I hard as I can) not to be so long in writing again.
luv Jules xx


Sunday, 3 July 2011

Enjoying a few simple pleasures

I had such a great morning today I just felt compelled to sit down and write.  I’ve been very conscious that once again it’s been about 3 weeks since I had the time to compose a blog post.  And to manage that I had to take 2 weeks off work!

Haven’t got that luxury at the moment but I did decide to have some time to myself this weekend to get on top of a few things.  I’ve got some big commitments in the next few weeks and needed to get myself organised. My friends and colleagues who know me reasonably well think I’m a fairly organised person but like the proverbial swan – all serene and calm on the surface, my family and friends who really know me can testify to the frantic, mad paddling that goes on most of the time in my life!

But hey, I always seem to get there in the end and always deliver when I’ve made a commitment to someone so as the song goes I just get on and ‘Do it myyyyyyyyyyyy waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy’. (imagine me belting that out, arms outstretched, hairbrush microphone in hand aka Shirley Bassey.....get the picture???.............)

Talking of belting it out, the reason I’ve had such a great morning is I’ve been practicing for my performance next Sunday at the Bromham Show (near Bedford if you fancy a lovely day out).  Now it may not be Wembley Arena (did you see Rock Choir last night – fantastic!) but it may as well be to me.  I love playing, I enjoy performing for others (for those who’ve not read my earlier blogs I play trumpet and flugel) but I have to admit the nerves do get to me.  Which isn’t too handy being a brass player as it makes my mouth go dry (not good as you need the spit!) and my breathing can be affected (do I need to say more????).  So the fair people of Northamptonshire are being treated (not too sure they think of it like that) to daily renditions of my programme to make sure I’m as fully prepared as possible. And I’m drawing some very funny looks whilst practicing my breathing driving the car and walking  round the supermarket.........

I’ve just spent a wonderful hour playing along to my backing CD’s, windows wide open with such classics as Summertime, Tuxedo Junction and some selected movie themes wafting over the rooftops.  Living on the top floor of this old shoe factory means I’ve reached loads of people this morning!  One advantage of being high up is if anyone took it into their head to lob something through the window to shut me up they wouldn’t be able to reach - so I can play on blissfully unaware.....  None of my neighbours have banged on the walls so hopefully they enjoyed my playing as well. Either that or they’re all out!

As with many of us life is a bit tough at the moment on the financial front but as I was playing this morning I realised that many of the things I love doing don’t cost any or very little money.  Fortunately I bought a new trumpet a few years ago and although it’s by no means a top of the range instrument it has a lovely tone.  My flugel is a basic instrument, sold to my Dad by a local brass band who no longer needed it as they’d ‘upgraded’.  But again it does the job and I get such a kick out of its beautiful, fat, sexy sound.  It’s a sort of short, tubby version of a trumpet but has the sexiest sound of all the brass instruments – I always think of it the trumpet as the Audrey Hepburn of the brass instruments (tall and elegant) and the Flugel as – well me! I’ve got stacks of music, some with backing CD’s and other accumulated bits like mutes and stands.  So I have everything I need to get on and play to my hearts content.

So in some ways I think not being able to go shopping as much as I used to, or holidaying abroad, or looking for the next job opportunity (so few and far between at the moment) is not all bad.  It’s made me re-visit so many things which I enjoy, which stimulate and motivate me.  I mentioned in my last blog I’d used my 2 weeks holiday not to go and lay around in the sun abroad but to spend time with friends, then to have a week to myself courtesy of friends who leant me their flat.  I walked, played trumpet, read, wrote and generally re-charged by batteries.  I had such a fantastic time!

Since coming home and back to work it has made me appreciate some of the simplest pleasures in life so much more.  And I am determined to make time to go on enjoying them.  Many of us talk about the work/life balance but how many of us actively try and pursue it?  I got caught up last year in a re-structuring at work which resulted in many of us applying for new jobs both in and outside the organisation.  I wasn’t successful in the interviews I had and was slightly puzzled as I had tried to seek God’s guidance as to what I should apply for.  Then earlier this year I had one of my ‘light bulb’ moments and realised if I had been successful, particularly with one job I applied for, it would have taken over my life.  And that would have been disastrous, for me, for the organisation, for everyone.  It would have drained me both physically and mentally but more importantly it would inevitably have damaged my spiritual strength as well.  I would have found it very difficult to start each day with the time to read my bible, direct my thoughts to others in prayer, and just connect with God before plunging into the maelstrom of each day.  

And that, my friends, is not worth risking for any jump in salary and a fancy job title.  I’m not saying with the right opportunity, ensuring I can keep the balance right, I won’t apply for something if it comes along but at the moment I bring home enough each month to pay my way, keep a roof over my head and have the odd treat.  I don’t go hungry and am able to keep my car on the road, despite MOT & Tax all within 3 days of each other-ouch!  I’m reasonably healthy (could do with losing a bit of weight but am trying....) and as I’ve said many times before have an amazing network of friends and family who encourage me constantly. 

I recently went to the Good Food show with my daughter (her treat) and had an amazing day out. I bought a sushi making kit complete with knife (fantastic bargain at £20) so can’t wait to try that out on her, my son-in-law and assorted friends.   This month it might have to be cucumber and rice fillings but hey next month who knows, it could be prawns, creamy chicken and even smoked salmon! 

So yes, to me the work/life balance isn’t something I vaguely dream one day I’ll achieve.  It’s something I actively pursue because there’s an old saying.  No-one on their death bed ever says ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office’.  I for one want to be able to say ‘I’m glad I didn’t spend more time at the office – I’m glad I spent my time living and enjoying the simple pleasures of life’. 

As another week starts look out for opportunities to give as well as receive those simple pleasures. I guarantee you’ll enjoy them all the more because they are just that – the simple pleasures in life.  

God bless

Jules xx

Friday, 10 June 2011

Getting to grips with the technology....

           I've been having fun this morning working out how to post a blog whilst away from home.  I discovered the place I'm staying at is a 'Hotspot' for Wi-Fi so with a bit of fun and games working out the best deal I've managed to get on line for a short time.  I've been having a great couple of weeks away from the usual routine so have lots to share but for now here is my latest offering.

Isn’t it funny how you can set such strong resolves to do something, whether a one off or an ongoing action you’ve been trying to master for what seems like all your life but somehow never quite get there? I was looking at the history of my blog posts last week and earlier this year I had resolved to post at least 2 blogs a month. (Not New Year resolutions I admit as I gave up on those many moons ago as I was so fed up of not making even until the end of January before coming unstuck!)

When in April I managed four I decided ‘right, two per month is not good enough, I need to be writing at least once a week’. Then, hey presto, before I knew it May had come and gone and guess what – I was back to two!

But you know what. It doesn’t matter. OK, so I didn’t achieve the elusive 4 blog posts in May, but maybe this month I will. Who knows, I may even manage more! That’s what I love about life and the human spirit. We never have to settle for how things are. We all have the power to make choices albeit sometimes limited. But they are our choices nevertheless. We can choose to stop saying ‘It’s always been like this, it always will be like this and there’s nothing I can do about it’ or we can be resolved to change it – whatever it is. But in order to change the big, important, worrying, energy sapping situations in our lives we often have to start with small, manageable changes.

One of the things I constantly am trying to improve is my timekeeping. I was talking to my daughter the other evening as we are having a day out together soon at the Good Food show in Birmingham. I’m really looking forward to it and I know we’re going to have a great day together. As we were talking she suggested it might be an idea if I stayed at her (and my son-in-laws) home the night before. Now that sounds like a good idea doesn’t it? We’ll have an early start so I’ll be there making it easier. But we both knew the main reason was because of my appalling track record when it comes to getting anywhere on time. As she said ’Mother, you’re always late for everything – I’ve never known anyone as bad as you for timekeeping’. Well, I was a bit affronted by that - for a few seconds anyway, until I had to concede she was pretty spot on with her comment. In fairness I’m not always late for everything – I’m quite professional when it comes to meetings, appointments etc. But I am known for not setting out on journey’s when I say I’m leaving and not arriving on time, o even on the right day! So her suggestion to stay at her house the night before was born out of years of frustration at having a Mum she constantly has to ring saying ‘Where are you??’ But she knows it’s never intentional and I always start off with good intentions. Maybe one day I’ll surprise everyone and start turning up on time, it the right place, and on the right day!

I think I’m a nomad at heart who would be much better suited to being an explorer, or adventurer. I hate clock watching, I hate routine, I love heading off in the car and just seeing where I end up and I love solitude as much as being with people. Unfortunately it means I get easily distracted and may get up in the morning with certain intentions but by the end of the day I’ve done things completely differently or am even somewhere completely different to where I originally said I would be.

Which can give my darling daughter cause for concern because she’s never too sure where I’ll end up when let loose from the constraints of Monday to Friday daily routine.........

I’m currently in the second week of a 2 week break from work. I spent a lovely few days with friends last week (more about that in another post) but am currently residing in a lovely flat overlooking Portsmouth harbour thanks to the generosity of some others friends. I adore water in any form but I particularly love the sea. I’ve been sitting on the balcony drinking my tea in the morning overlooking an abundance of yachts lazily shifting as the tide comes and goes, soaking up the warmth of the sun and listening to the seagulls calling to each other as they swoop above me. The clouds put on a ballet the other morning which was breathtaking in it’s beauty and complexity as those higher in the atmosphere held the stage while those smaller and lower down raced across the sharp blue sky so every blink of the eye revealed a new formation.

Windy and Wild!
Then I packed pen, paper and my laptop and pointed the car west, hugging the coast road as much as I could to find my self driving parallel to this wide, windy pebble beached coast line in bright sunshine. My heart felt as if it was soaring up with the seagulls and dancing amongst the clouds.

I know this freedom is only for a few days and this time next week I will be back at my desk, apologising to my boss because I’ve forgotten to print something or book a meeting. But for this moment, this day, this time I can be free, a nomad, a swashbuckling adventurer letting the road and my imagination take me on a journey of discovery.........................wonderful.
After a lot of laughing and checking everyone was OK my daughter asked me when I was planning on coming home. I said maybe Friday, or Saturday, I might even stay until Sunday – just depends on how I feel. I’m due back at work Monday so I assured her I was planning on being back before then.
Now - which one is the biggest.........
and how do I get an invite on board.??

Unless of course I happen to meet a similar minded swashbuckling adventurer who happens to own one of the delightful yachts moored outside my window. Then who knows....................I could find myself sailing off in an entirely different direction all together eh???...............

Many blessings to all
with love as always
Jules x

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Views along the way........

      Someone said to me yesterday ‘I have a life and I have a responsibility to live that life’. Now as you read that, what does it mean to you? Are you thinking ‘Well, that’s flippin’ obvious – isn’t it?’ But it was in the context of what we were talking about that made it stick so much in my mind.

Tommy as a puppy
(he's considerably bigger now!)
I had a fabulous day. To start with it didn’t involve going to work (good start), I’d spent a very enjoyable evening with friends the night before, stayed overnight and had been made a huge fuss of by a very excitable young man called Tommy. No, contrary to what many of you may be thinking right now I haven’t found myself a toy boy. Much better – he’s a gorgeous black and white cocker spaniel who insists on giving me lots of frenetic attention whenever I visit my friend. We did discover, however, a laptop and Tommy first thing in the morning is not a conducive combination. It’s never taken me so long to check my emails! He’s so lovable though he knows I’ll forgive him anything.

Then it was off to Southampton for the day with someone else to see our artist friend. I’ve only recently met her but as we said on the phone the other night there are some people you meet in life you just know are always going to be friends. You might not see them often, you may not speak to them from one month to the next but somehow you know they will always be a part of your life, and you’ll be part of theirs. This was my first trip to her house and I was excited to see her, meet some of her family and see where she works and produces her amazing prophetic pictures – oh, and meet Mr Duck.

So, off we set. It was the most gorgeous sunny day and we spent the next 2½ hours talking – virtually non stop! The sat nav really didn’t stand a chance......... And yes, we managed the same all the way back as well!

It was a wonderful day, it was great to see everyone and relax in the garden with a cuppa, bask in the sunshine and swop stories. Needless to say there was an abundance of laughter as well. Despite lots of distant quacking Mr Duck never did put in an appearance. Perhaps he overheard me saying crispy duck is one of my favourite dishes??? He was quite safe though as I hadn’t packed my chef’s knives (that reminds me, I must remember to take them next time I go Mmmmmmm........) - before I get a barrage of comments I am joking folks, honestly. It’s obvious from the mansion size ‘duck house’ complete with ramp down into the pond this is a much loved family pet so I think they may be a tad upset if I suggested serving him up with pancakes and shredded spring onion!

After a fabulous day, including seeing another painting from a collection currently being produced (breathtaking) we said our farewells, disconnected the sat nav (we were pretty confident of getting back OK...more or less, and as I said he hadn’t faired too well on the way down) we set off home. It was on the journey back we started talking about how some people, despite years of trying to deal with an issue because they recognise it’s affecting them negatively seem, almost, to hold on to it. Like some sort of comfort blanket. Its part of the baggage they carry around and despite their and lots of other peoples efforts, whether friends, family or professionals they still can’t ‘move on’.

And that brings me back to the statement I made at the beginning of this post. On the return journey we were talking in general terms about ‘life baggage’. I’d been talking about the fact I could think and even dream about my first husband without it affecting me negatively now because he passed away 30 years ago. I thought of him on the day my daughter got married, obviously, but I remember the day as being such a wonderful joyous, laughter filled day. But there was a time when it was still very hard, very painful to think about him. Believe me, I know what it is to grieve, to feel abandoned, to be angry, frightened, worried. To feel lonely and as if nothing is ever going to go right again or I’m never going to be happy again. I know what it’s like to be scared of the future, of stepping out, of ‘going it alone’.
         But each day I wake up and it never ceases to amaze me - I’ve been given a brand new day. This day has never happened before in my life and never will again. It’s unique, uncharted territory, stretching out ready to be experienced.   Certainly the last couple of weeks I’ve woken to warm, vibrant sunshine pouring through my window. My relatively good health (baring the hot flushes and the dodgy knees!) means although I don’t exactly leap out of bed I can get up early, make my cuppa and settle back to start each brand new day full of expectation - ‘Where is God going to take me today?’ It might be just through an average day at the office or it might be one of those extra special days like yesterday full of friends, laughter and fun. It might turn out a day full of problems which I’ll be relieved to see the back of.

But as I sit drinking my tea – at that point in time – I don’t know. And at that moment I know ‘I have been given a life, not just an existence, and I have a responsibility to live – and I mean LIVE that life. To the best of my ability, keeping others in my heart and prayers, helping people when I can, being grateful for the abundance of my life whether it’s jetting off on some exotic holiday (not too likely....) or sitting in a beautiful garden just spending time with others; to live this life, today here and now with positive expectation and a grateful heart.

Too often we can let that baggage, which lets face it, we all have to one degree or another, so drag us down, so obscure our view we forget we’re on a journey. And a journey by its very nature will take us from one place to the next, with different sights, sounds, people and experiences. And sometimes we’re so focussed on the destination, especially when we think once we're there, finally we'll be happy, contented, 'sorted',  we don’t realise it really is the journey which is the most important thing. It’s the journey which often is the time in which we learn, grow, experience something significant and become who we are meant to be. And it’s on that journey we have the opportunity to ditch the baggage.

So, we can choose to either concentrate and in some cases insist on lugging our baggage around and miss out on the abundant life we’re meant to live – or we can choose to say ‘You know what, today, just for this moment, just for now, I’m going to put that baggage down, sit on top of it and drink in the view’.

We may go on our journey having picked the baggage up again, but tomorrow, or next week , or next month we may put it down for a bit longer. If we approach each day, week, month with the same attitude, with help from those we meet along the way, from those who love us and want to help us, one day we may be able to leave that baggage behind – then just think how much of the journey we’ll really be able to experience. Free from the weight, fears, anger and soul destroying power of our personal demons.

Wonderful waterfall

It’s not easy. Most of us can’t do it on our own and in our own strength. We need help from others. We need help from the God who loves us beyond all measure. We need to be willing. It is possible – but only we can make the decision to let go of the baggage, which needs to happen before the healing can start. Before we can look at the view and say ‘Wow!’

I’ve shared before how I love sitting here in the mornings, with my cuppa, with my bible, spending some time with Jesus and letting my mind wander. It’s been one of those lovely times this morning and this week I received a couple of emails from people reading my blog saying how much they’ve enjoyed them. So I’d like to say a big thank you for that encouragement to me. As you know I’ve always enjoyed reading and only started writing seriously in the last few years and sharing my thoughts publicly so if others are enjoying and getting something from those thoughts then I’m grateful God has laid this on my heart to do this and to continue doing it.

Well, I’m off later for lunch with friends so need to leap (OK, fall) out of bed and get ready. I’ve got dinner tonight at my daughter’s with the family, including my grandsons and I’m playing at church tomorrow morning. My daughter has also just rung and invited me to join her for the day in June at the ‘Good food show’ in Birmingham.
      Abundant life ??? – I couldn’t have a more abundant one if I was the Queen of England!

Remember, if you’re carrying around a lot of baggage today why not try and pop it down for a few minutes, clamber up on top and take a peek at the view. You may be pleasantly surprised...........

Blessings to all as ever

Luv Jules xx

Thursday, 5 May 2011


This is the first chance I’ve had to write since ‘The’ wedding last Friday.  I’m not a great celebrity follower.  I don’t buy copies of Hello magazine or trawl the Internet for juicy tit bits.  I might occasionally pick up a glossy mag if there is something particular that catches my eye but I’m mostly too busy getting on living my own life, seeing my own friends and family to be overly interested in what so and so is doing this week, who’s going out with who and who has dumped who.  I’d much rather spend my time and energy on people I can hug!
But I defy anyone not to have been caught up, at least a little bit, in the celebrations last week when William and Kate got married.  I know there are arguments for and against about the money spent on security, the disruption, companies giving staff extra time off but there are times when we all need something uplifting, something joyful, something to bring us all together.  And I think Friday was just such a day.
My daughter's tiara
I loved seeing all the people in London, enjoying the atmosphere, dressing up, having picnics in the park and just being part of the whole spectacle.  One of my best friends invited lots of us ‘girlies’ to her house and we celebrated in style. 
We all dressed up, even wearing hats and fascinators, toasted the bride and groom with champagne and had a great time checking out all the fashions.  (Some it has to be said more stylish and appropriate than others).  I still can’t work out how some of those hats stayed on – they seemed to defy the laws of gravity!
My wedding hat!
And I loved the fact even though this was a very royal, protocol driven day, steeped in hundreds of years of tradition it felt as if William and Kate were determined to put their very personal stamp on the whole day; from the guest list which included so many friends, colleagues, neighbours and representatives of their chosen charities, to the beautiful trees lining the aisle of the Abbey, to Kate’s exquisitely designed dress.  Somehow, they managed to make the whole nation feel as if they had been personally invited to celebrate their special day with them.  
I could pick out so many examples from the day but I just wanted to comment on two particular ones.   For me one of the highlights of the day was the sermon by Bishop Richard Chartres and the prayer written by William and Kate.  I’m listening to the sermon again as I write this and the words are so beautiful, inspiring and the message is incredibly powerful.  In this day and age, with access to the Internet this is a sermon we can all come back to time and time again and I’d urge people to do just that. Like the day itself I’m sure you’ll see and hear something new each time and be encouraged whatever your circumstances.
And for me there was a message in William and Kate’s prayer.  They were saying they appreciate they are in a privileged position but they see their role as serving the British people.  They asked for strength to give of themselves unselfishly to others, to you and me and to this nation.  This is the role the Queen has always seen herself in and she appears to have instilled this great sense of duty in her grandson. 
I must admit as I listened to Bishop Chatres I felt very proud to be a Christian, and to be British.
I titled this post ‘celebrations’ as we’ve recently had the great Easter celebrations, William and Kate’s wedding and yesterday a good friend of mine celebrated a significant birthday.  I was pleased to hear his friends threw him a surprise party and there’ll be more fun at the weekend.
But for me, one of the most memorable images of the Royal wedding took place well away from the glare of the cameras, it wasn’t on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and if it hadn’t been for the wonders of modern technology and the camera phone only a few people would have been witness to this particular event.  It was of course the ‘cart wheeling’ verger, Ben Sherrard.
The splendor of Westminster Abbey, the very regal, extremely long red carpet and the joy and relief at a job so very well done.  He just couldn’t help himself – like a mischievous child let loose in a big open space after having to be very well behaved he executed 2 near perfect cartwheels down the centre aisle of the Abbey.  No mean feat in a cassock!
If you’ve not yet seen this, just google  ‘cart wheeling’ verger.  For me he sums up how everyone was feeling and although he wasn’t one of the guests, isn’t a celebrity and many people won’t remember his name that image is going to stay with me and many others for a very long time.  Well done Ben, you summed up the very British tradition of pomp, ceremony................. and eccentricity!
Blessings to all-enjoy the rest of the week (must admit I could get used to these 3 and 4 day weeks!)
Jules xx

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Back to the day job...

Well, the art exhibition has been taken down.  The silk paintings have been rolled up and packed away in their plastic sleeves and the frames dismantled and loaded ready to transport back to Anne's studio. 

If you've been reading my blog this week you'll know what an amazing fabulous time we've had. But like all amazing fabulous times this one couldn't last indefinitely.  The realities of life, the everyday sometimes hum drum routine has to be resumed at some point (certainly for the majority of us).

But life as the saying goes is what we make it. I was not looking forward to going back to work yesterday.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very fortunate.  I have some lovely work colleagues, some I consider have become friends. I work in a nice open plan office, at a comfortable desk with all the modern technological bits and pieces necessary for communication in this emailing, scanning, bespoke software programme world we  live in.  But, like a lot of people the thing which occupies me , 8-10 hours out of every day, 5 days out of 7, roughly 46 weeks a year is not what I'm passionate about.  It doesn't 'float my boat'.  It doesn't make me want to leap out of bed in the morning and shout 'Great - off to work I go!'

But that's OK.  Because I know it won't be forever. Nothing ever is in this world which is why I love this journey we call life.  You never know what is round the corner.  Sure, sometimes you run straight into  a whole load of hassle, heartache, worry and upset.  But then at other times, often at the most unexpected times life throws up a golden moment, a precious new friend, the answer to a prayer, or the long awaited answer to many.  This week has given many of us all of those things.  Thrilling, exciting and exhausting all at the same time!

And for me that is what Jesus meant when he said 'I have come to give them Life, and Life abundantly' (John 10v10).  I know a lot of people consider they have an abundant life without the need for God, without the need of spiritual input, with no reason to think they are missing out on anything.  But oh, how much richer life is when we share it with the one who created us.

The things I write here aren't out of theoretical, theological based, bible bashing knowledge.  They're born out of experiencing life - at times insisting on 'going it alone', thinking I have all the answers, being stubborn, proud, self seeking, greedy and at times cruel.  Thank God despite me giving up on him a few times he's never given up on me.  Now I'm finally in a place where I know whatever happens for the rest of my life here on this earth I won't be walking my path alone.  He will be with me all the way, as he always has been, but from now on I won't be compromising the promises he's given me, won't settle for less than an abundant life, whatever my circumstances.  

As I've said the things which have happened this week, the people I've met, the stories I've heard and the images of those pictures will all stay with me for a very long time.  I pray it will be the same for the 500+ people who also saw the pictures this week, who stopped for a coffee and chatted, or quietly slipped away without speaking to anyone. I pray this week will be a significant one for them all.

If you get the chance at any time to see any of Anne's work I would urge you to check out her website (see link on the right of this page) for details of any future exhibitions.  Or it may be you're feeling the call to think about staging an exhibition of your own.  It doesn't have to be in a church.  I know Anne has taken the paintings into all sorts of venues including schools, shopping centres, community centres. You can either contact Anne direct via her web page or send me an email and I'll pass on your details.

Anyway, I started off talking about the day job, which I'm going to be late for, again, if I don't get this finished! 
OK, the prospect of heading off to the office doesn't exactly fill me with the joys of spring but I am grateful to have a job.  I know for many it isn't the case at the moment so I do count my blessings. 

But a I said, this is what I love about life's journey.
It's a brand new day, stretching out before me and I may not know what is going to happen today but I do know I'm not heading off into it alone....................How exciting!

Whatever day you have my hope and prayer is it will be an abundant one.
God bless
Jules xx

Monday, 25 April 2011

Final, fabulous, amazing last day of the exhibition

I just wanted to quickly get something down this morning about the art exhibition (see previous posts this week).  We are having the most amazing, fantastic time here.  As I look up from my PC the main area is filled with people, some I recognise, some I've never met.  Some I'll never see again, others who will become life long friends. 
But all absorbed in the paintings, pausing in front of certain ones, asking questions about others, in some cases walking quietly past others.

Out in the welcome area we're set up like a coffee shop.  People are chatting, having a well earned rest. Meeting old freinds and new ones.

And laughing.  We have laughed so much this week........and cried.........and remembered........and all the spectrum of emotions in between.

And right in the heart of everything has been Jesus.   Laughing along with us, holding us as we've wept, sharing in our stories, bringing people together.

If you can get here today then do.  The artist is here and would love to meet you.  There's a warm welcome and everything is free.  If you can't come today then check out the link to Anne's web page on my list here and see if the exhibition or one of her others is coming to a venue near you.  I guaranttee it's worth the effort.

Need to get off here now as the place is heaving and I've got a coffee going cold (again!)

God bless
Jules xx

Friday, 22 April 2011


The sun is shining and it is a glorious day. I really must get out and enjoy this lovely weather but I’ve been ‘hooked’ by the IT bug this week.  I’ve recently managed to download the software so I can upload the photos from my phone.  Now I know to some people this sort of this is second nature but I have to learn by trial and error (more error than anything really) but eventually I usually get there. Having downloaded all my photos I’ve started to sort them into folders this morning, adding tags, dates and other bits of info.  I also discovered in Windows Gallery even though you’ve saved copies under ‘Pictures’ in different folders it’s not a good idea then to delete them out of the bit at the top where they’re stored in date order because they all magically disappear out of the folders you’ve just spent 2 hours lovingly creating!  Fortunately one of the first things I learnt to use was the ‘Restore’ function from the recycle bin........  J 

This is a fairly short post this morning because I am going to get myself out in this lovely sunshine.  But I wanted to take a few moments to remind everyone this is Easter Friday, or Good Friday to some. 
This long weekend off for many is just that, a time to unwind, meet up with friends, maybe to start getting down to some serious DIY or gardening. And that’s great, nothing wrong with that, lovely to spend time with those we love and I’ll certainly being that.  But for a huge number of people, including me, it’s the most important date in the Christian calendar.  This is the time of year when we especially celebrate the events at the heart of our faith.  The culmination of a time over 2000 years ago when a man named Jesus, after 33 years on this earth, fulfilled his divine mission.

Put very simply he obeyed his Father even though he knew it was going to be excruciatingly painful, he was going to be jeered at, spat upon, flogged and finally laid on a rough hewn piece of wood and massive 6” nails were going to be rammed home through his hands and feet.  Then he was going to be hoisted up and left to die.  That’s the events which are remembered today by thousands of Christians around the world.

And sadly totally ignored or dismissed by many more.

The most amazing thing is He went through all of that because of love.  Love for his father, love for all those around him and love for all those yet to be born; which is why those events over 2000 years ago are so completely relevant today because ‘those yet to be born’ is you and me.
If you’re thinking anything right now – why did he do it? did it really happen? what’s this got to do with me? I’m not really interested, or even ‘here she goes again’.........anything, any thoughts.
Then I urge you - explore them.  Grab a bible and read any of the gospels towards the end, ask a friend, google crucifixion – do something.

But don’t be one of the crowd who just ignores Him.         

Let him show you that this isn’t the end of the story, the chain of events - as they say in the movies ‘the most exciting bit comes next...................’
And if you’re anywhere near Bromham Baptist Church this Easter, or even if you’re not, come and gaze at his face.  Let Him give you the answers to your questions, let Him reveal himself to you through the pictures on display.......... (see earlier posts)

I’m off to enjoy the sunshine now.  Wherever you are and whatever you are doing have a wonderful, love filled break this Easter holiday.

Jules xxx