Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New Generation art exhibition

Well, the art exhibition has been taken down.  The silk paintings have been rolled up and packed away in their plastic sleeves and the frames dismantled and loaded ready to transport back to Anne's studio. 

If you've been reading my blog this week you'll know what an amazing fabulous time we've had. But like all amazing fabulous times this one couldn't last indefinitely.  The realities of life, the everyday sometimes hum drum routine has to be resumed at some point (certainly for the majority of us).

But life as the saying goes is what we make it. I was not looking forward to going back to work yesterday.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very fortunate.  I have some lovely work colleagues, some I consider have become friends. I work in a nice open plan office, at a comfortable desk with all the modern technological bits and pieces necessary for communication in this emailing, scanning, bespoke software programme world we  live in.  But, like a lot of people the thing which occupies me , 8-10 hours out of every day, 5 days out of 7, roughly 46 weeks a year is not what I'm passionate about.  It doesn't 'float my boat'.  It doesn't make me want to leap out of bed in the morning and shout 'Great - off to work I go!'

But that's OK.  Because I know it won't be forever. Nothing ever is in this world which is why I love this journey we call life.  You never know what is round the corner.  Sure, sometimes you run straight into  a whole load of hassle, heartache, worry and upset.  But then at other times, often at the most unexpected times life throws up a golden moment, a precious new friend, the answer to a prayer, or the long awaited answer to many.  This week has given many of us all of those things.  Thrilling, exciting and exhausting all at the same time!

And for me that is what Jesus meant when he said 'I have come to give them Life, and Life abundantly' (John 10v10).  I know a lot of people consider they have an abundant life without the need for God, without the need of spiritual input, with no reason to think they are missing out on anything.  But oh, how much richer life is when we share it with the one who created us.

The things I write here aren't out of theoretical, theological based, bible bashing knowledge.  They're born out of experiencing life - at times insisting on 'going it alone', thinking I have all the answers, being stubborn, proud, self seeking, greedy and at times cruel.  Thank God despite me giving up on him a few times he's never given up on me.  Now I'm finally in a place where I know whatever happens for the rest of my life here on this earth I won't be walking my path alone.  He will be with me all the way, as he always has been, but from now on I won't be compromising the promises he's given me, won't settle for less than an abundant life, whatever my circumstances.  

As I've said the things which have happened this week, the people I've met, the stories I've heard and the images of those pictures will all stay with me for a very long time.  I pray it will be the same for the 500+ people who also saw the pictures this week, who stopped for a coffee and chatted, or quietly slipped away without speaking to anyone. I pray this week will be a significant one for them all.

If you get the chance at any time to see any of Anne's work I would urge you to check out her website (see link on the right of this page) for details of any future exhibitions.  Or it may be you're feeling the call to think about staging an exhibition of your own.  It doesn't have to be in a church.  I know Anne has taken the paintings into all sorts of venues including schools, shopping centres, community centres. You can either contact Anne direct via her web page or send me an email and I'll pass on your details.

Anyway, I started off talking about the day job, which I'm going to be late for, again, if I don't get this finished! 
OK, the prospect of heading off to the office doesn't exactly fill me with the joys of spring but I am grateful to have a job.  I know for many it isn't the case at the moment so I do count my blessings. 

But a I said, this is what I love about life's journey.
It's a brand new day, stretching out before me and I may not know what is going to happen today but I do know I'm not heading off into it alone....................How exciting!

Whatever day you have my hope and prayer is it will be an abundant one.
God bless
Jules xx

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